Alucard Hero Build Fighter Gear and Mobile Legends – Hello friend Drark Gamez, In the article you are reading this time titled Alucard Hero Fighter Gear and Build Mobile Legends, we have prepared this article well for you to read and include information in it. Hopefully the post content Article Mobile Legends Guide, Article Mobile Legends can help you understand what we write. All right, enjoy reading.

Title: Alucard Hero Build Fighter Gear and Mobile Legends
Link: Build Alucard Hero Fighter Gear and mobile legends

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Alucard Hero Build Fighter Gear and Mobile Legends

Alucard Hero Build Fighter Gear and Mobile Legends


Alucard is a very good and strong Charger hero. Once done successfully lock the enemy will not be able to escape his grasp. That’s because of the skill passive what he has is Persecutions.

Well, back with the Mobile Legends Gear Build Admin. This time the admin will report on Alucard’s gear build.

Okay, let’s go straight to the discussion of this Alucard Hero build gear.

1. First these hero fighters and assassins have to buy a jungle item as usual, namely the Beast Killer item.
2. The second option is to purchase Haas Claw items for additional Life Steal.

3. Now the next step is to buy warrior boots for additional armor so that physical attacks can be held back by the armor.

4. The fourth is to buy berserk rage items so that the attacks produced by Hero Alucard can trigger critical hits and increase attack damage.

5. Next, buy Endless Battle items to give your HP / Blood a life steal effect that can add your HP / Blood if the blood is a little longer and you don’t have to call back later.

6. Then you buy the Deadly Blade item to get the Physical Penetrations effect to penetrate the enemy’s armor. Before you buy this item you must have reached a maximum level in the game, so sell your jungle team.

7. The last thing you buy is Wing Of The Apocalypse Queen so you can fight your enemies without worrying about your blood or HP as this item will increase the life steal effect.

So this is the Gear Build Alucard that I use every day. If you have this Gear Build, the Alucard Hero you are using can be faced with in this Battle 1 VS 4 and even 1 VS 5 combat.

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This is the article Alucard Hero Fighter Gear and Build Mobile Legends

That is the Alucard Hero Fighter Gear And Build Mobile Legends article this time, hopefully you can all benefit from it. Well, see you in another article post.

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