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Worst and Best Wanwan Emblem & Build in Mobile Legends

Worst and Best Wanwan Emblem & Build in Mobile Legends. Wanwan is a sniper hero who is quite difficult to use, especially when you want to use the ultimate skill. However, the damage that Wanwan does to all of his opponents is very great if we manage to arrange the correct build items as follows.

Recommendations for Worst & Best Wanwan Emblem & Build 2021 in Mobile Legends Game

Worst and Best Wanwan Emblem & Build in Mobile Legends
Best Wanwan build recommendations

1. Build Wanwan Top Global

First and foremost there is a Wanwan build item used by top global players, maybe you as a Wanwan user know the following build because it is very popular.

1. Fast boots: Increases attack speed.
2. Raptor Machete: to get a quick buff.
3. Demon Hunter Sword: Increases attack speed and passive bonus damage.
4. Golden Staff: Gains bonus damage when using normal stack based attacks.
5. Corrosion scythe: increase attack speed and give slow effect.
6.1 Wind Of Nature: Gains life steal and attack speed as well as passive skills to be immune to physical attacks.
6.2. Rose Gold Meteor: Increases physical damage and mage defense, and provides a temporary shield effect when HP is low.

2. Build the strongest wanwan
The next sequence is the most powerful Wanwan build, although this build prioritizes damage, this build also includes defensive items to bolster Wanwan’s weak defenses.

1. Fast boots: Increases attack speed.
2. Demon Hunter Sword: Increases attack speed and passive bonus damage.
3. Golden Staff: Gains bonus damage when using normal stack based attacks.
4. Corrosion scythe: increase attack speed and give slow effect.
5. Windtalker: useful to significantly increase attack speed.
6.1. Queen’s Wings: to reduce damage taken when HP is low.
6.2. Immortality: being raised to life by the dead.
6.3. Rose Gold Meteor: Increases physical damage and mage defense, and provides a temporary shield effect when HP is low.

3. Build Wanwan The Sick and Best
In the last order there is the sickest Wanwan build, the following build is made up of items with full physical damage so it has the sickest attack.

1. Fast boots: Increases attack speed.
2. Raptor Machete: to get a quick buff.
3. Corrosion scythe: increase attack speed and give a slow effect.
4. Demon Hunter Sword: Increases attack speed and passive bonus damage.
5. Windtalker: useful to significantly increase attack speed.
6. Desperate Blade: to increase the damage by a large amount.

Also read:

The worst and best wanwan emblem in Mobile Legends

1. Wanwan Emblem Sagittarius Talent Weakness Finder

  • Physical lifesteal 3x
  • Attack speed 3x
  • Talent weakness finder

2. The Wanwan Emblem Assassinant’s rampage

  • Movement speed 3x
  • Physical pen 3x
  • Talent killing frenzy

Above, please choose one of the best wanwan build items according to the opponents you will face. You can try combining the build with your own build. That’s a brief explanation of Worst and Best Wanwan Emblem & Build in Mobile Legends.