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What are the differences between Dota and LOL (League of Legends)?

League of Legends

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MOBA genre, League of Legends (LOL) and Dota (and Dota 2) are Games Mother of many Games MOBA Cell phone, mobile phone At the moment. However, not many people know the difference between Dota and LOL, especially in mechanics Games-being.

For this reason, the author in this post tries to explain a few Highlights the difference between the two Games That. Both titles Games Each of them also has an ecosystem esportsseparately with the amount player big and famous tournaments.

Let’s look at the differences from different angles.

Point: hero vs LOL: champion

Dota heroes

In Dota the playable character is called hero notice Dota is the development of custom cards Games Warcraft III, and financial assets of Dota character comes from character, of course hero Warcraft III.

In LOL the character is called champion. That’s because League of Legends characters are warriors (literally) Lore) from their respective worlds who fought to win the war. The one who calls you champion it is called Summoner (Section player).

League of Legends itself is an organization that resolves conflicts in Runeterra. Understand Lore more you can try Games by Riot, which is (planned) to be published on the platform later this year Cell phone, mobile phone. The title is Wild crack!

Point: Creep vs LOL: minion

LOL: minions

When the troops are called in Dota, which start every 30 seconds crawls, this name apparently comes from the custom in Warcraft 3 that does this creeping (Activity roams the area Folder to get gold or items). This is more visible in Assets ghoul used in crawls Close combat Undead Games Dota.

While in LOL the troop unit as. referred to as minion which means that the vassal troops who are on the front lines to confront minion and champion Enemy.

Point: old vs LOL: Nexus

Dota: Ancient
Ancient DotA: All Stars Warcraft 3

The fortress in Dota is called with the term old which determines the victory of a team. designation old this is also part of the Dota title, namely Defense of the Ancients. in Dota, old use financial assets Tree of Life on the Sentinel team and Frozen Throne on the Scourge team.

The Nexus is also guarded with 2 towers or towers that will damage enemies within its range.  These two towers must first be destroyed in order to destroy the Nexus.  The two towers that guard the Nexus are called the Nexus Towers.
Blue Nexus (ki), Blue Tower (ka) via

In League of Legends the main base is called Nexus in the form of red crystals, protected by 2 tower.

Point: static vs LOL: Adaptive

Dota Lane

in Dota, damage on Competencies or items what has effect damage won’t change if it’s not there Update (for example Upgrade items Dagon or Necronomicon) and do not receive any additional status / attributes hero.

Meanwhile in League of Legends, Competencies that we have and items what has effect damage will be affected by the status of champion. When we buy items that add Ability power (AP), then Competencies or items that has the addition of AP on damageit is also added.

This is one of the big differences between the two Games That. champion LOL what you use has the potential to become a character One shot about the game mechanics. What do you mean with that One shot is that the character can kill his opponent one-on-one, either by Blow normal or with Competencies.

In addition to, Blow or attack common to some champion have the option of receiving additional ones from their AP, so not all champion rely on their physical harm.

Jungle Buff

League of Legends jungle buff

for mobile player MOBA is like Mobile Legends, that is certainly known. polishing is an effect that is obtained after defeating forest monsters and the player, be it to strengthen yourself or just to to survive longer in roadway.

In LOL, effect polishing This has 2 variants namely red buff and blue buff. red buff is the effect that makes the player do DoT (Damage over time) on enemies hit by their attacks and slows their movement rate.

Whereas blue buff is a helpful effect champion by using CDR (Cooldown Reduction) and where is rain what does champion with where are the costs high to be able to hold out longer roadway without having to go home base because it went out Where.

Point: tactics vs LOL: reflex

Dota Lagoon

The Dota game focuses more on the tactic of creating a snowball effect on the enemy, be it by putting pressure on the enemy early landing phase, or do safe late game. However, the tactic here is not limited to this.

The tactic in question is how the players deal with their enemies. Often in Games this time we put more emphasis on playing it safe without giving too much supply on the enemy and stress Games we are dealing with the exploitation of the enemy position Snowball game.

On the flip side, LOL actually tests our ability to respond to combat conditions. Most game LOL doesn’t let us have time to think considering there are so many action happened at the same time.

Even when tryinginitiate on Team fight often starts with mocking from both sides and move back and forth to prepare for an attack like a brawl and stuff Team fight started, all hell breaks loose. Maybe that’s a fitting term to describe the situation Team fight on Games That.

Point: Kit set vs LOL: combo

Dota skills

One of the big differences between the two Games that lies in the use of Competencies-being. in Dota, spell as viewed Kit this helps hero to win a game in which everyone spell has its own function and cannot be combined with spell Others.

Meanwhile on LOL, everyone Skills is a Kit it changes Style of play his character. By combining each Skills you, para champion can do Team fight with Kit that will help them hunt, give damage Additive, Crowd control (CC), or burst although.

example combo What is on the rise is combo the end ultimate Malphite can do it sure kill on an opponent who full health even in less than 3 seconds with its ability.

Point: Partial skin vs LOL: Themed set

League of Legends skin

Skins Cosmetics for hero Dota 2 can be disassembled from different variants of existing sets to create an appearance hero unique to individual taste.

As for LOL, skin the end champion is to adjust which has its own topic. But that doesn’t mean skin hero Dota 2 has no theme, just a couple of themes Champion skins LOL have line special, that of si. is spoken champion while playing.

in addition, skin LOL mostly also change the effect of Competencies, Attacks and movements of champion which changes the visual aesthetic of the character.

Point: Free for all vs LOL: Pay-to-Use

League of Legends champion

This is one of the biggest differentiators that many Dota players don’t even try Games LOL. Because if we play Dota we can all play hero and meet all kinds hero on each game free.

On the other hand in LOL, everyone champion can only be acquired through the first purchase, either through use Game currency or Premium currency.

On the one hand, this may limit the learning opportunities for Dota players hero, but if you look at it from the other side, this is also a sign for players to focus on one character or role on Games and strive to be the best.

This LOL business model lets players be careful when choosing role or buy champion next. However, Riot Games has also recognized this and brought the rotation function with them usable free of chargehamion every week for the player play for free Opportunity to recognize the list champion Another. The players can taste first champion before you decide to buy.

So technically Learning curve on LOL will be more organized and stable compared to Dota.

What if i’m a gamer play for free LOL?

League of Legends Shard

Did I say you can be great as a free user? Yes that is true. Even if you (like me) play for free without wanting to spend a dime, you can still have it all champion and skin free.

away skin from ordinary to those that cost millions you can have for free. The method? While playing, you will receive a capsule every time your profile level increases Item Shards who can give a discount champion or skin.

Item Shards you can change this to Essence (Game currency) to buy skin or champion Others. Then for skinif you have at least 3. to have items, You can use 3 pieces Fragments of skin to become skin permanently free on condition that if you want skin you have to have that first champion-being.

This also applies to skin protection. That doesn’t count towards the profit either Events which often gives the opportunity to get shard so that we have more items free. It’s all just a matter of time.

Wow, there are quite a few differences that I’ve explained. Did I miss something? Don’t forget to give us your input so we can add it and everyone can know more.

Gxg deregistration!