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Tips for the Latest ML Fanny Heroes 2021, Winning feels easy

Fanny is a mobile legendary hero who has the strongest role as an assassin (for those who are professionals) but can be the trashiest hero when the driver is sleepy. Depending on who uses this hero, this hero is still the most powerful hero from the past to this day. This hero has an ability that no one else has, namely the flying cable. Fanny is a heroine who has to fly in the fight against enemies, without flying Fanny is nothing, just garbage. For that, you need to know tips on how to use Fanny Mobile Legends heroes from novice to passable little pro.

Hero Fanny has earned the nickname “Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee” and is the most difficult hero to control. Just check out this hero who has the highest level of difficulty (stuck, also known as the hardest full). But I learned to use Fanny, can also get MVP often, and can often win against enemies. What are the tips for using Fanny Mobile Legends to make it easier to win games?

Tips for the Latest ML Fanny Heroes 2021, Winning feels easy

Try to avoid enemies who use this hero

All heroes have their own weaknesses, and if you want to use Fanny as the strongest assassin hero, you need to know her weaknesses as well. Fanny will be very easy to defeat when the enemy uses these heroes:

  • Kaja
  • Chou
  • Moscow
  • Aurora
  • saber
  • Franco

If you still can’t be called a pro with Fanny, I suggest avoiding the list of heroes above as you will have a tough time fighting her CC. And avoid breathtaking heroes, keep flying, don’t run.

Just use the fighter emblem

Fanny is indeed a heroine with an assassin role, but at the moment, in my opinion, fighter is the most suitable emblem. I’m not forbidding you to use the assassin emblem, I just suggest using the fighter emblem. For some mature reasons, I prefer to use the fighter emblem. And for spells, don’t ask that hero to use retribution to make it easier for you to get buffs.

Take the top buff and take the Hermit Crab

This is an open secret, at the start of the match I will definitely be taking the top buff so I have to take hermit crabs. First you get up at the 2nd buff, then up again, then to the Hermit Crab. Try the hermit crabs that you need to get with the help of your retry. The point is to level up quickly, it’s useless if you’re a pro at flying, but the level is still low due to bro.

Your gear settings must be correct (here are the coolest gears for Fanny)

Don’t mess with your set order and item types (or your equipment or build items, it’s up to you). If you are very good at using fanny cables but the equipment you are using is wrong it will be useless, you will still have trouble hitting the enemy with fanny skills. The first time that the item you need to craft is Pilager ax, then Blade of Heptaseas, then Warrior boots, then Bloodlust ax, Blade of Despair Then last Athena’s shield.

That’s 6 when it’s full Pillar ax –sell it and replace it with Brute force breastplate. Then when it’s full again, just sell the shoes now Warrior boots you with immortality (if you want to be on the safe side) or Rose gold meteor (if you want to play harder).

Don’t go and focus on the lowest HP hero

You can go, but if you attack why not just go, get ready to be buried alive by the enemy. When you attack the main thing is to carry the enemy, if you don’t meet your enemy how come you keep flying, your fanny energy is gone. This often happens to Fanny Hero beginners, they don’t think about going back to the cage (energy to escape).

What makes this hero the strongest and most powerful is that he can attack and flee at any time. So when you attack, be sure to carefully monitor the energy.

If there’s war, come out later

It’s not that I’m teaching scams or anything, no. It is good for Fanny to come out when the enemy’s skills have been used for CC or Stun, Jani Fanny is just scratching her sword against the enemy. It will be easy to go crazy or wild, that is indeed the key.

So, these are the latest Fanny Mobile Legends hero tips in 2021 that will make it easy for you to win the game. Using the tips above, your fan hero can go crazy or wild easily, good luck.