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Tips for Earning Mobile Legend Battle Points Quickly

It is very important for Mobile Legends players to have a lot of battle points. Check out this article for tips to get Mobile Legends Battle Points quickly!

This MOBA game is quite famous and it quickly releases a new hero every month. This is of course very interesting for players, as new heroes are usually still too powerful.

To buy a new hero, you can use or top up Mobile Legends Battle Points.

Unfortunately, players of this game often find it difficult to buy new heroes due to insufficient Battle Points (BP). All right, let’s take a look at the tips to get Mobile Legends Battle Points quickly!

1. Using the Mobile Legend of the Dual Battle BP Score Card

The first thing you need to know before using the Double BP Card is not to use this card at the beginning of your game week as the maximum BP you can get during the week is 7,500 BP.

If you use this card early in the week, you lose the chance of earning 9,000 BP.

How do I get 9000 BP? You need to get 7,500 BP on the weekend then use the Dual BP Card to increase the weekly BP to 9,000.

There are two ways to get this card:

1. Share your game results on your social media.

If you share this, you can get this card for free once a day. However, your cards can only be used for one game. 2. Buy duplicate BP cards with diamonds.

There are three types of cards that you can buy from the Mobile Legends Store, namely cards that last 1 day, 3 days, and 7 days. Obviously, in order to get diamonds to buy this card with, you will need to reach into your wallet to top up.

It is recommended not to use duplicate BP cards in Brawl mode as the BP gained in Game Mode is not as high as in other game modes.

2. Open the chest

There are two types of chests in Mobile Legends, namely: The medal chest can be opened when you have collected 10 medals. Every time you play you get a medal. This box can be opened in 12 hours. Free chests can be opened every 4 hours and collected twice. You don’t have to do anything to open this box other than wait for the time to open. Both chests are reset every day at 8 p.m. Aside from BP, you can also get other items such as fragments, emblems, and magic dust.

3. Maintain creditworthiness

The third way to get Mobile Legends Battle Points quickly is by keeping your credit rating good. If your credit score is above 90, you will receive a reward every Monday in the form of BP.

To keep your credit good, avoid reporting from other players. If the report is proven, your credit score will go down. Usually this is because you are AFK.

4. Complete quests

This MOBA game has a lot of quests that you can complete to get rewards. As you can see in these photos, the prices offered vary greatly. One of the simplest searches is the daily login search. You just have to log into the game every day to receive this reward.

That being said, there are daily chores that you can complete to earn rewards. Each time this task is reset, the rewards offered are also different. If you complete these three tasks, you can claim the box in the top right corner and receive additional rewards.

The quests in this picture are constantly changing. Usually this quest appears on the weekend (Weekend Revelry) or when a new hero is released (New Hero Task). The prices offered also vary.

Another option is to achieve achievements in Mobile Legends. Different requirements have to be met for every success. Aside from getting BP, you will also earn achievement points to level up your achievements and get emblems as rewards.

5. Increase your level / rank

Mobile Legends always resets the level / rank in mode mode every three months, known as seasons. Each season ends, players receive BP rewards, tickets, and also free hero skins that can only be obtained after reaching the master rank.

6. Play on

The last tip, of course, is that you’ll need to play often to get Mobile Legends Battle Points quickly. This game has 5 game modes that you can choose to get BP.

Do you agree with the tips in this article to get Mobile Legends Battle Points quickly? Don’t forget to add an addition in the comment column if you know another way.