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Mobile pair of legends that make Baper what it is

Mobile Legend Hero Pairs – Just like in the real world, there are multiple pairs of heroes in the Mobile Legend game that attract attention. This is of course a special excitement for the players. But if you don’t have a partner yet, you don’t have to worry, because this dream can be realized in the Legend Car.

Mobile Legends has several pairs of heroes that grab attention. In fact, this pair of heroes has long been made to make the game more fun. Here are some partner heroes you can rely on in Mobile Legends.

Mobile Legends hero couple

Mobile legends hero couple
Alucard & Miya
  1. Miya and Alucard
    First there are the heroes of Miya and Alucard, actually Alucard himself was paired with Ruby and finally ran aground. Moonton has launched a new skin, namely Miya. The skin for Miya is called Sweet Fantasy, while for Alucard it is called Romantic Fantasy.
  2. Clint and Layla
    The first time that Monoton unites Clint and Layla heroes as hero couples. Clint’s skin is called Gun’s and Roses. And Layla called Cannon’s and Roses.
  3. Aurora and Grock
    Next up are Aurora and GrockGrock. Actually there is no certainty whether Aurora and Grock are a couple. But there are some signs that can confirm this. For example the picture of Aurora as she is protected by Grock in a castle.
  4. Lesley and Gussion
    Lesley and Gussion become the next couple in Mobile Legends heroes. At first, many players suspected that Guisson was gay. But because it was matched by Monoton, players prefer this pair of heroes.
  5. Odette and Lancelot
    It’s no secret that Odette is Lancelot’s partner. Even Lancelot itself has a quote that says “Odette, Beautifull Odette” that finally lets ML game connoisseurs recognize Lancelot’s exact partner.
  6. Gunivere and Tigreal
    The last couple are Gunivere and Tigreal. Gunivere is Tigreal’s partner, who also comes from a warrior line.

These are some of the names of Mobile Legends hero pairs that are quite famous and liked by many gamers. You can use skins from the pair. Which pair of heroes are you more interested in?