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How to get all the medals in the Hago game

Hago is an application that offers many games or games that are very different to make the atmosphere more exciting.

In the Hago application, an award or medal is also given to players or players who have played well, and this number of medals is the measure of a person, including a beginner or a master. For those of you who want to get a medal to become a professional player, you can get it by learning:

These are the types and quantities of all the medals and how to get them in the Hago game application

How to get all the medals in the Hago game
All medals displayed in the profile

  1. Popular boy : Players who often get likes from other players. To get this medal you have to have at least 20 people who press the like button in your profile, you can invite your playmates to make likes or exchange likes
  2. slang : Players who enjoy meeting other players and who have a lot of friends. You have to make friends with other players in Hago, you need at least 20 friends to get this medal
  3. Bat player : A tireless player who is often active in the middle of the night. Typically, this medal is unlocked if you often actively play games at night
  4. Strategy genius: The most experienced player in strategy games. You often have to win games that rely on strategy such as chess, combat, XOXO, Hexagon War, and the like.
  5. Good chat chat : Players who enjoy sending chat messages and actively interacting. All you have to do is chat with some players who have played with you (your opponent) or with your friends as well
  6. The generous one : Players who often like other players. You have to give a like or hit the yellow thumb icon after playing the game against other players to unlock this medal
  7. Living hands : Players who are experts in games that rely on hand agility. Getting this medal is quite difficult as you have to win games that rely on hand speed like throwing knives, helical towers, jumping jumps and the like.
  8. Ceriwis Wis : Chat often by voice while playing games. If this is very easy, all you have to do is activate your cellphone microphone and chat with your opponent during the game.
  9. Emoji maniac : Players who express themselves most actively through emojis. For this one, in my opinion, the easiest way to get the medal is as all you have to do is press the emoticon button to express yourself during the game.
  10. The Explorer (Adventure) : You have to take part in certain Hago events and win them 7 times. For example, you can take part in the Lipstick Challenge that I discussed here

How is the info guys, very interesting right? This way you can collect all the medals you want to get and you will be considered a master if you get all the medals.
That was the tutorial and information on how to get all the medals in Hago that you can try. If you are having trouble or you don’t understand, feel free to ask me in the comments below.