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Easy Ways to Beat Argus - Weaknesses of Argus Mobile Legends

Argus is one of the Mobile Legends heroes with a unique ability that allows Argus to be immune to death for 5 seconds when using his ultimate.

Of course, Argus’s ability will overwhelm the opponent to be able to fight Argus when he uses his ultimate. Keep going how to defeat argus?, Argus Mobile Legends weaknesses What?. Well, please read the following article to help you find a loophole to beat Argus Mobile Legends.

As is known, with his ultimate, Argus is immune to death for 5 seconds (even if you gank Argus 5v1, Argus will not die while his ultimate is still active). In addition, the damage that the enemy inflicts on Argus will be converted into HP when his ultimate skill is completed. So if the ultimate skill is still active and you insist on showing Argus damage, all of this will be for free. Indeed, it will be a loss to your team.

So How can you beat Argus?
When the ultimate is active, it is very easy to keep your distance from the hero Argus and never harm Argus while his ultimate is still active. Just leave it alone until Argus ultimate skill ends. Argus will not automatically receive HP regeneration after using his ultimate skill, and you can also use it to show resistance again after his skill has been used.

You can also use heroes with skills disabled like Aurora, Eudora, Chou, Tigreal to disable Argus when he uses his ultimate. As a result, if you can disable Argus, the Ultimate will be wasted for a few seconds.

Well, that’s a quick look back at some of the Argus Mobile Legends hero weaknesses and how to beat Argus Mobile Legends. Hopefully it can be useful for you in the game against Argus. Source