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Build Worst Mobile Legend Fasha Ever and How to Play

Build Items Fasha Mobile Legend The Sickest Ever and how to play – Hero Fasha is a hero mage, and in order to use Hero Fasha there are also tips and tricks that you know.

To make Fasha the strongest mage, you need to set the equipment and item build items on Fasha. Not only that, you also need to understand how to use Fasha so that the resulting damage becomes painful.

And here, Adora Games is going to share the best and newest Fahsa build with full damage, as well as a guide on how to play Fasha, plus tips and tricks taken from the top 2 Global Fasha Mobile Legend, which is HoRNBLoWer.

Skills Skills Fasha

The first thing you need to know is the features of the skills that Fasha has. Below is a list of Hero Fasha Mobile Legend’s abilities.

1.Spiritual unity (passive ability)

When Fasha uses the skill, Verri (Fasha’s bird) will have the opportunity to attack the enemy with magical damage and will give the target a slow effect.

2. Wing by wing (Skill 1)
Fasha becomes a verri bird that can fly quickly and penetrate walls. After using this skill, the magical power of Fasha will increase. However, this skill ends when Fasha is hit by crowd control.

3. Energy Influence (Skill 2)
Inflicts a large amount of magical damage to enemies affected by the area in front of it. This skill will be very painful when combined with Fasha’s passive skill.

4. Feathered Air Strike (Ultimate Ability)
Fasha will direct the area marker and then direct magical damage on the specified target. Ultimate Fasha’s cooldown is very fast, so it can be used as often as possible.

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Item build

In order for Fasha’s damage to be painful, you need to put the equipment and item build items on Fasha. This is the newest and craziest build item from top 2 Global Fasha player HoRNBLoWeR.

1. Lightning stick

Added 75 magic power and 30 mana regeneration. For passive it increases and hits a maximum of 3 enemies with very large magic power damage.

2. Arcane boots
Provides an additional 15 magical penetrations and 40 movement speed. This increases the running speed as well as additional magic damage, which is suitable for mage users.

3. Holy crystal
90 magical power and an additional 25% magical power added. Passively, after the skill is hit the enemy, the next skill increases by 15% magic damage. Since the cooldown time of Fasha’s skill is very short and there are more spam skills, you have to buy this one.

4. Concentrated energy
Gives 70 magical power, 700 HP and 30% magic vampire, namely the magic vampire adds blood to the hero after successfully hitting the enemy with the skill he issued. Then this item has a passive that gains 10% extra blood after successfully killing an enemy hero.

5. Devil’s tears
65 Magical Power and 40% Unique Magical Penetration added. The passive increases the uniqueness of this item by 30%, which equates to a 40% magical penetration, which increases when you face each other and your HP is 70% higher than that of enemy heroes.

6. Blood wings
Giving 150 Magical Power and 150 HP plus the Passive adds 2 HP points from every additional Magical Power you do. Your blood will be thick with this item because a lot of extra magical power has been made from the previous item.

Emblems and talents for Fasha

If you look at Top 2 Global Fasha’s game, namely HoRNBLoWer, it is certain that it has the Magical emblem, namely Ordinary magic emblem what is increased:

  • HP regeneration
  • Cooldown Reduction
  • mobile
  • Where
  • Magical power

The above status status increases according to the level of the emblem, the higher the level of the emblem, the higher the increase in the status of the above status.

And for the talent is Magical power wave which is unlocked when the Common Magic Emblem reaches level 30, where this talent increases Magic Attack after successfully attacking the enemy with a skill, and the damage is increased according to your hero level.

Spell selection

There are several choices of spells that you can use, viz.

A spell that will make you move in the direction you indicated.
This is to speed you up when hunting in the jungle.

Further recommendations for use flicker as spells. With this spell you can suddenly determine and spend Ultimate, not only that, you can also use this spell to escape when the situation is urgent.

Tips, tricks and how to play Fasha

After knowing Fasha’s abilities and setting the construction item, equipment set, emblem and spell. Now you need to understand how to use Fasha Mobile Legend. Here’s how to play Fasha properly before checking out the top 2 Global Fasha game below for tips and tricks.

Since you are not using the enchanted talisman item, try to get a blue buff for Fasha’s mana regeneration in the forest.

Upgrade and maximize for Skill 2 first and then upgrade to Skill 1, but if Ultimate is available then upgrade to Ultimate. Skill 2 Fasha has high damage, so focus on Skill 2, the damage is also increased if Skill 2 and Fasha’s passive skill are active at the same time.

Use Skill 1 Fasha to roam and shift lanes by breaking through walls to make it faster. Kill the enemy minions, then go and let our minions destroy the enemy tower. Do not hesitate to spend Ultimate to kill vassals, it will be faster than ordinary attack.

If you want to attack the enemy, look for the right position first, look for a position a little far from the enemy’s range so as not to be disturbed. Then remove the Ultimate Fasha Skill, if there is a hero around you will be able to spend Skill 2 even though you are using Ultimate.

When spending Ultimate Abilities, don’t aim your Ultimate at the enemy Hero, but predict the Ultimate and point it in the direction the enemy Hero will pass. Since the enemy will not be silent when you are Ultimate, the enemy will definitely try to dodge, so you need to be good at predicting enemy movement.

Make sure you are always behind the tank so you are protected. Do not rush to attack the enemy alone, because magician has thin blood.

Afraid to scare your enemies with Ultimate Abilities when your minions attack enemy turrets so the enemy doesn’t dare to approach your Ultimate Area Circle and let your minions free to destroy the turret.

I have already bought the item Concentrated Energy? So you don’t have to call yourself back, just kill the minions or monsters in your forest, you get HP regeneration. If your blood dies and is chased by the enemy, use Skill 2 on the enemy or monster as well so you can regenerate extra HP so you can survive.

Yes, this is the craziest Fasha Mobile Legend Item Build ever and how to play it. By building items and knowing how to play them properly, you can definitely make great use of Fasha.

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