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Build Item Cyclops Mobile Legend Full Damage Pain + Spicy

Build Item Cyclops Mobile Legend Full Damage Pain + Spicy – One of those petite Mage Mobile Legend heroes, the damage is very painful and sharp you know.

For those of you looking for a magician with sick damage, you can try this one little magician, Cyclops. But you need to understand how to use it, starting with setting up gear, Cyclops items, embeds and talents, and Cyclops spells, as well as tips and tricks on using them to make Cyclops damage painful and sharp.

In this post, you can have a look at all of the full damage builds and a guide on how to play Cyclops properly. As of now, this is the build item Cyclops Mobile Legend Full Damage Pain + Spicy, which is taken from the Top Global Cyclops Mobile Legend, Haru.

Cyclops skill list and functions

What you should know first is the function of the Cyclops Skill function because once you know it, you will be able to use Cyclops easily. Below is a list of Hero Cyclops Mobile Legend’s capabilities and features.

1.Star-lit hourglass (Passive Skill)

When the Cyclops skill hits the enemy, all the cooldowns of all Cyclops skills are reduced by 0.5 seconds. This passive is very good and useful for spam skills.

2. Stardust Shock (Skill 1)
This skill deals magical damage to the target based on the area it is aimed at.

3. Planet attack (Skill 2)
Creates a ball that spins around it and then increases the speed of movement for Cyclops. Each of these bullets attacks the enemy and inflicts massive magical damage on the enemy.

4. Star Power Lockdown (ultimate ability)
Cyclops locks an enemy hero target, then deals magical damage to that target and stops the target from moving.

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Build the newest and weakest Cyclops items

In order for the resulting damage to be more maximal and painful, you need to adjust the gear set and the Cyclops component. And here is the newest and most powerful full damage Cyclops build item from Haru, the top Global Cyclops player.

1. Fast boots

50 added movement speed. With this item, Cyclops moves and runs faster, which is very useful for escaping or chasing enemy heroes.

2. Enchanted talisman
Grants 50 magical power, 250 HP, and 20% cooldown reduction. The passive ability gains 10% mana regeneration of your total maximum mana, and this passive ability continues every 10 seconds.

3. Concentrated energy
Gives 70 magical power, 700 HP and 30% magic vampire, namely the magic vampire adds blood to the hero after successfully hitting the enemy with the skill he issued. Then this item has a passive that gains 10% extra blood after successfully killing an enemy hero.

4. Luminous wand
Added 75 Magical Power, 5% Movement Speed, and 15 Magical Penetration. For Passive This item, when it hits the target with a skill, burns or incinerates the enemy for 3 seconds, dealing magical damage of 2 to 3% of the opponent’s HP.

5. Holy crystal
90 magical power and an additional 25% magical power added. Passively, after the skill is hit the enemy, the next skill increases by 15% magic damage. Since the Cyclops skills cooldown is very short and there are more spam skills out there, you need to buy these.

6. Devil’s tears
65 Magical Power and 40% Unique Magical Penetration added. The passive increases the uniqueness of this item by 30%, which equates to a 40% magical penetration, which increases when you face each other and your HP is 70% higher than that of enemy heroes.

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Emblems and talents for Cyclops

When you watch Top Global Cyclops’ game that Haru is, you can be sure that he is wearing Custom magician emblem what is increased:

  • Magic Power cooldown reduction
  • Spell vampire
  • Speed ​​of movement
  • Magical penetration

The above status status increases according to the level of the emblem, the higher the level of the emblem, the higher the increase in the status of the above status.

And for the talent is Impure anger unlocked when the custom mage emblem reaches level 40, where this talent deals additional magical damage equal to 4% of the target hero’s HP and then restores 3% of the Cyclops mana. And you can add the rest championship to increase the cooldown reduction, then contract to get additional spell vamp.

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Spells for Cyclops Hero

There are several choices of spells that you can use, viz.

A spell that will make you move in the direction you indicated.
This is to speed you up when hunting in the jungle.

Further recommendations for use flicker as spells. With this spell you can hunt down the opponent’s hero who wants to run away, and not only that, you can also use this spell to escape when the situation is urgent.

Tips and tricks for using Hero Cyclops Mobile Legend

After learning about the function of the Cyclops skill, decide on the building item, equipment, emblem, and spell. Now you need to understand how to properly use and play Cyclops Mobile Legend so that you can be more agile and agile. Previous Check out the Top Global Cyclops video game below for tips and tricks.

In the early game, buy a jungle item which is Pillager Ax for Farming and level up so you can be superior to the enemy. Take the buff too, because in the early game Mana Rain Cyclops is very wasteful.

Upgrade and maximize for Skill 2 first and then upgrade to Skill 1, but if Ultimate is available then upgrade to Ultimate. Skill 2 Cyclops has high damage so focus on Skill 2, Cooldown Skill 2 is also very short and increases movement speed so it is useful for roaming.

Don’t be afraid to attack the opponent’s hero when you are side by side with your friend’s hero even though the enemy is in their gun range. You will be safe when you are always side by side with friends and always trying to be with friends in the early game.

Kill all the monsters in the jungle that you meet to upgrade Cyclops. If your level is much higher than that of the opposing hero, don’t hesitate to attack. Don’t forget to pick up buffs when the previous buffs are used up.

If you want to attack the enemy, use Ultimate first to stop the opponent from moving, then Spam with Skill 2 and Skill 1 and Basic Attack while waiting for the cooldown skill. When an enemy hero wants to flee, use Flicker to chase them down.

I have already bought the item Concentrated energy? So you don’t have to be afraid to attack your opponent when your blood is low, because with this item and the short Cyclops Skill Cooldown it is possible for Spam Skills. This will cause your HP Rain to increase dramatically so that your blood will rise quickly and not die.

Yes, this is the build item Cyclops Mobile Legend Full Damage Pain + Spicy. Now that you know the Worst Cyclops Build Item and how to use it, you can definitely make great use of Cyclops.

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