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Best Hero Assassin in Mobile Legends

Mobile Legend: Bang Bang or commonly referred to as ML is a game that still has a huge existence in the mobile game world, why? Because to this day, its existence is widely known and known to the general public, including among mobile gamers. With the increasing popularity of Mobile Legend, the game is being developed well and creatively, which can be seen in the Hero Mobile Legends which keep growing and developing strongly, whether from Hero Fighter, Tank, Assassin and so on.

The topic in this article we are going to discuss Hero Assassin in Mobile Legends with our focus on explaining the 3 best Hero Assassin ML options that you can try or learn first before the actual game. Until the end, please read some of our recommendations on the 3 Best Assassin Heroes in Mobile Legend.

The First Best Mobile Legends Hero Assassin (Gusion)

Assassin Mobile Legends 1

The best Assassin Hero in the first Mobile Legend is Gusion as Gusion is a very superior Hero Assassin at the start of the early game. This is supposed to be true as Gusion’s skills are quite a large skill. Hero Gusion is considered to be one of the Assassin Heroes able to lead a team to victory (carry) as he is considered to be a very stable hero and when played in the late game even though he is able to do the Change things quickly when it does play and the build items and other things are correct.

Gusion is one of the heroes that you should learn first because the hero belongs to the hard-to-master hero-assassin class. To make it easier for you to recognize and learn Hero Gusion, we are giving an introduction to his active skills, here are Gusion’s skills:

  • Sword Spike: Makes him throw a knife at his target with a certain amount of damage.
  • Shadowblade Slaughter: Slows enemies with sick magical damage.
  • Glow: Makes Gusion move in the intended direction with the benefit of refresher skills 1 and 2.

Second Best Hero Assassin in Mobile Legends (Lancelot)

The best hero assassin in the second Mobile Legend is Lancelot. Lancelot is considered a hero assassin who is quite agile and very agile. He is rated as follows based on his abilities and skills that help him move quickly and with agility. Lancelot is the best hero assassin in Mobile Legend because he’s a pretty tough hero one.

This hero is one of the hero assassin groups that are quite difficult to master. Here is an explanation of the active skills so that you can understand and learn them first. Please read and study them carefully:

  • Puncture: Makes him sprint at the enemy, with damage and bonus damage.
  • Thorn Rose: Performs a 3-way attack in a triangle shape, with damage and buff effects.
  • Phantom Execution: Same as Puncture Skill, but with more damage and an invincible effect.

Third Best Hero Assassin in Mobile Legends (Selena)

The best hero assassin in the third Mobile Legend is Selena. Selena is a hero-assassin who plays 2 roles at the same time, both as an assassin and a magician. Selena is a heroine who can change her form in a limited amount of time. The first is her original form as an Assassin named Elven Form and the second is her form as a Mage named Abyssal Form. Selena is considered a hero assassin who is very difficult to fight, as some reliable players have combined her form with her extraordinary ability over power.

Mastering Selena is not easy, so we’re going to be introducing her active skills so you can learn and find out about them. Here is an explanation of Selena’s active abilities:

  • Abyssal Trap / Soul Eater: Summons an Abyssal Devil, who sets a trap with his damage and slowdown (Elf). Selena attacks the enemy with a buff effect that is obtained (Abyss).
  • Abyssal Arrow / Garotte: Shoots an arrow at an enemy with a stunning effect, causing (elven) damage. Attacks the enemy with greater damage (Abyss).
  • Primal Darkness / Blessing of the God of Mood: Switches to a certain mode with the acquired buff.

Can the 3 Hero Assassins we have selected pique your interest in trying and using them in any of the matches you will be participating in? If so, we’re happy with your decision, but if you still feel like the 3 heroes above aren’t in your best category then you can see them in some of our other articles on Heroes in Mobile Legend below . This is the Gamefinity article titled “Let’s Try The 3 Best Assassin Heroes In Mobile Legends That You Can Learn More” Please share this with all of your friends through all media so that these benefits can be spread.