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Anjay, Mobile Legends has cool features!

GAMEFINITY.ID, Denpasar – Mobile Legends has a new feature that will be included in the next update. It is reported that you will be able to freestyle with your favorite hero in the upcoming update.

It can be said that this Freestyle feature is a Custom Action Emote feature that will later be changed to Freestyle with the update. So this feature will not be like the current callback effect where you can actually style free in-game with this freestyle feature, while this callback effect only, well, only applies during the callback. At least with this freestyle, you can do it during a recall or whenever you want, even during a war.

For example, let’s say Franco who freestyle laughs, Chou who becomes freestyle will mock his enemy. This seems like a new way to make fun of your enemies and fuel the fight.

At the moment the well-known freestyles that are ready to jump in with future updates are heroes of Franco, Chou, Angela, Saber (?), But don’t worry, in the future there will be updates for these freestyles for other heroes.

You will find this freestyle function later on the Performance / Performance tab in the Prep / Preparation menu. The usage is the same as for the current emote function. So it looks like this is a pretty big update to the Mobile Legends game.