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5 weaknesses of Claude in Mobile Legends, once immersed, instantly submissive!

The presence of Claude brings a new color to the battlefield of the Land of Dawn. This hero has a unique power. When attacking, his pet monkey Dexter also helps him attack. He is also one of the few sniper heroes to have an escape mechanism.

Although it looks strong, Claude can be easily defeated. Because it has some weaknesses that are clearly visible, for which examples are explained below.

1. Weak in Early games, Get stuck in the late game

Claude has the same weakness as all marksmen. It won’t be useful at the beginning of the game if you map it right away Team fight. damageis pretty small.

To maximize damageher in early game, he has to keep using it Competencies 1 and 2. This has consequences, of course, because you are wasting your mana. If you don’t buy items where is rainFrom the start, Claude couldn’t help but walk back and forth from headquarters. This can also hinder its development. The risk of losing a level and falling behind items even bigger.

Approximation Middle of the game, his true abilities have started to show. By combination items If that’s the case, his lightning-fast attacks can be extremely dangerous.

However go to ‘Extra time’, Claude will be stuck against another shooter who itemsit is finished. Especially when the user is using it to build items Per Attack speed. If the enemy defends well, Claude is guaranteed to have a hard time bat ‘Cause you’ll get caught first if you dare to go forward.

2. Once swallowed, Claude Bows

Yes, the easiest way to beat Claude is with a scoop-up strategy. Once hit, especially at the beginning of the game and at the end of the game, he is guaranteed to give up immediately without being able to get up.

by the way, picking up is not easy. Competencies 2 Claude did him very well at escape. Especially when you are chasing him in the forest.

So try to pick it up roadway because it is more open than a forest with a lot of bushes. To make it easier, rely on the hero who has it Competencies flashing / charging as well as control like Akai and Saber. Because it’s hard if you don’t go first because Claude has Competencies 2, the blurring mechanism of which is difficult to read.

3. Critical attack

This is why Claude is so weak at the end of the game. Users of specialized snipers or fighters burst damage must have done Scarlet Phantom and Berserker’s Fury which increased 50% critical chance. Marksman like Lesley, Layla or Miya can therefore easily take him down at the end of the game thanks to a combination of critical attacks and lightning-fast attacks.

This situation would be even worse for Claude if the user gave something to build items Special Attack speed. Once the attack is done, he still loses with a critical attack that can cut the blood by more than half in one attack. In addition, his stamina as a sniper hero is soft from the start.

4. Difficult to use

by the way, Claude can actually benefit from this point if the user is GG. Because the mechanism Competenciesit is very beneficial for users who already understand the specifics Mobile legends. Whether to run away with Competencies 2, or maximize the impact with Competencies 1.

What if the user is not astute? The answer is sure to be a burden for users and teammates. Without understanding the mechanism Competencies 2, Claude is very easily caught when he isgank. The same applies Competencies 1, which can increase attack speed while weakening the enemy.

Especially when users only buy it because they’ve seen Claude’s compilation videos played by professional gamers. This thief hero looks beautiful when played right. In reality, it is not that easy to use.

5. Ultimate

Another weakness of Claude that is very obvious is existence Competencies His ulti. The mechanism looks sadistic to the naked eye. However, Competencies it shoots randomly and is less reliable for taking down enemies quickly.

The rotating mechanism is quite cumbersome. His attacks are actually counted as normal attacks. However, The damage is only painful, when there is at least 10, Claude is sick, the tank is strong enough to penetrate.

Are you currently a Claude user? Do you agree with the list of weaknesses described above? Let’s discuss if you are feeling less comfortable or even have an explanation for other weaknesses of this hero!