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5 ways to counter Silvana in Mobile Legends, fighters have problems in ranked play!

Since the previous patch update, the animation of his ultimate ability has been corrected. Silvanna is one of the most frequently occupied fighter off-planers in ranked matches. This is due to its ability to scoop up enemies, hold back a team so they can’t run away from enemy pursuit, as well as bugs that exist due to Flame Shot and its ultimate.

The combination of these makes the battle hero one of the most respected heroes in a game. In addition, since Silvanna is a relatively new heroine, there are still a lot of people who don’t know how to meet the hero. Therefore, the following gamebrott offers several ways to meet the hero. Read on for our article.

1. Timing

Countering Silvanna is actually quite simple, what we have to look out for here is when the used Skill 2 is completed. This is the time to harm the fighter. Skill 2 itself has a pretty fast CD, but since this skill is the main damaging skill, it’s useless if the hero doesn’t have that skill.

2. Stupid

In addition to timing, there is the ultimate to consider. Note, however, that the effect of the Ultimate will only take effect in the specified area and that area will only last a few seconds. In general, Silvanna users use a combination of the Ultimate Skill and Skill 2 directly.

So if you can mess up Skill 2 with CC. Silvanna loses the damage she is causing in that moment. So don’t worry and panic when you are with ulti silvanna. Immediately give the hero CC (stun) so you can survive the ultimate.

3. Drag Hero

When the opposing player uses Silvanna, heroes who can attract enemies like Franco, Minshitar, and Kaja are one of the true counterattacks for that hero. This is because the hero’s ultimate ability is useful only in the specified area. So if the 3 heroes use the skill and pull Silvanna out of the area she has created. Additional effects such as magical lifesteal and attack speed bonuses granted in the area are useless. Additionally, especially for Franco and Kaja, players can use these two heroes to keep Silvana with your ultimate. So Silvanna cannot move in a self-made area.

4. Necklace of the Durance and deadly blade

Aside from the damage, the most annoying thing about the hero is his ability to heal when using his ultimate. Using a Durance necklace or deadly blade will cut his healing in half. So if you are fighting Silvanna, use this item to kill her in the early game.

5. Keep your distance and pay attention to your position

If you can’t use the 4 methods above to counteract Silvanna, then you can use the method below. Remember, an offlan’s job is to keep the track he is on while farming. You don’t have to kill Silvanna here, you just have to clean up the henchmen and clear the alley. Do not covet and pay attention to your position in front of the illegal hero. Wait for the chance when your friends take over and kill the hero.

Hopefully the tips we give you can find useful in countering Silvanna in ranked matches. Do you have any other tips for meeting the hero? And if you have any questions, please ask them in the comments. Author Riza Kurniawan