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5 tips to improve the rank of Mobile Legends in Ramadan

OKEGUYS – Is your rank stuck in Epic? Here are 5 powerful tips to help you rank up Mobile Legends in the month of Ramadan.

Without knowing the time and the moment, pushing the rank of Mobile Legends is a must. Without exception in the month of Ramadan.

The MOBA game on this smartphone has actually become a daily activity for gamers.

Especially during the fast, it is best to hang out while you rank up. But you also have to win for your rank to rise.

Don’t just move up the rank, you keep losing. You also need the latest strategy in order to win.

Well, now OKEGUYS would like to give you tips on how to rank Mobile Legends against the loss in the month of Ramadan. Come on, let’s just see.

5 Tips to Push Rank Mobile Legends Anti-Loss!

1. Best push rank watch

Driving mobile legends in Ramadan
Photo: unsplash / Luke Chesser

Before you settle down for a push rank, make sure you know the best time to push a rank.

His name is also fasting, jam Prime time People spend time that is when ngabuburit or in the afternoon.

Avoid playing afternoon games during the fast as you are likely to meet good players. Play in the morning or in the afternoon, because at this time many people are still busy with their activities.

2. Use Hero Meta

Photo: UHD Wallpaper

Make sure you also post about the heroes who are meta or who are using the latest version of Mobile Legends.

If OKEGUYS knows, there are now more support meta-heroes like Rafaela and Angela. You can also learn to use support and help your teammates with your heroes.

3. Check out the pro player gameplay

Trust me, you can’t play and get good at it every day. You will also need Watch and Learn from Mobile Legends Indonesia for Pro players.

You can see and learn from these pro players what their gameplay is like as they fight in the Land of Dawn.

4. Invite friends who are good at playing together

Photo: m.mobilelegends

Even if you think you’re good at it, you still need good teammates to keep up with your gameplay.

Invite your friends who are high-ranking and can play well in the party. This is very effective for you to push the rank.

5. Stay focused even while fasting

Driving mobile legends in Ramadan
Photo: unsplash / Elena Taranenko

When we fast we naturally become more sensitive because we feel hunger and thirst. But you also need focus so that you can play optimally and perfectly.

Do not let your team be disappointed by the reason behind the fast so that if you shift the rank you will lose.

Also read: Manny Pacquiao officially becomes the newest skin for Mobile Legends

That’s it, a number of tips you can do as you rank up Mobile Legends during Ramadan.

And remember, do not get angry when you lose because it will break your fast.