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What is the Cooldown Reduction in Mobile Legends?

There are many terms in Mobile Legends that you should know about. One of the terms in Mobile Legends is reducing the cooldown. Then what is the cooldown reduction in Mobile Legends? Perhaps most of you still don’t know what it means.

Many items in Mobile Legends can give you additional cooldown reduction effects. The heroes of the type Burst Damage, who come from the roles of the assassin and magician, really need this additional effect in order to use their attack skills optimally. Make the right use of the cooldown reduction to make your performance stronger.

What is Cooldown Reduction

You need to know that the cooldown reduction is the countdown or delay time to use a skill. In general, after using an attack skill in a gameplay, there must be a time lag that you have to wait for to use it again. This is called a cooldown reduction. The simple language is the countdown time which is listed after using it on your skills.

To get the cooldown reduction effect, you can use a number of emblems that provide that additional effect, or you can use a build item as well. There are several items in Mobile Legends that you can use to increase your cooldown reduction. The higher the cooldown reduction, the more effective your attack skills will be.

Reduced the cooldown time of Mobile Legends

Heroes with role mages and assassins are the right ones to use this effect. If the delay time from using the skill is fast enough, they can effectively deal burst damage. To maximize the cooldown reduction effect in Mobile Legends, use a hero who can do great damage through their attack skills. Since the skill delay time is faster thanks to this effect, you can easily defeat the enemy.

When using build items to reduce cooldown, watch out for the damage it generates. Even if your skills can be used faster but there isn’t enough damage, they are ineffective. You can combine CD item builds with Magical Power and Magical Penetration to create great skill combinations.

For those of you who have just played MOBA games, it is of course very natural if you don’t know a lot of terms. It is highly recommended that you learn the meaning of each word term in MOBA game so that your insight grows and you can play better in a gameplay.