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Tips for GG with Horizon in Apex Legends to get better

The Horizon character aka Gravitational Manipulator is really going to bring changes to the Apex Legends game. You will definitely be curious about the intricacies of Horizon and its gravity abilities, as this one character is still very new and is described as having various epic abilities and it’s a shame to miss it. Hence, Kabar Games will be discussing the tips for using Horizon Apex Legends.

Before doing this, note that Horizon aka Gravitational Manipulator will be paired with 14 other epic battle royale characters on the Electronic Art official website in Season 7. Wow, you have to imagine how cool this character is, right? Let’s start the discussion.


It begins with a story spanning a century. An energy crisis is being experienced in an area called the Outlands. An auto physicist, Dr. Mary Somers has the task of finding a solution to the current crisis. This then required Mary and her family to move to a scientific research facility on Mount Olympus.

Mary began her research with the assistance of Dr. Reid, who was his student. Based on this research, Mary believes that Branthium is the element that is key to solving the problem. Unfortunately, Branthium is only found in the vicinity of the black hole.

Inevitably, Mary also intends to share the location with Dr. Reid. Before leaving, Mary said goodbye to her son Newton and promised to return to him safely. Arrived at the black hole, Dr. Reid betrays Mary and steals Branthium. Mary was sent into black hole orbit on her plane.

But NEWT, Mary’s robot partner, was successfully modified to help her escape and save herself. But strangely enough! Maria came into the future, 87 years later to be precise. Mary is determined to find a way back in time and meet her son. He also joined Apex Games.

Passive Skill – Space Walk

Passive Skill - Space Walk

His spacewalking skills make Horizon very good at controlling the body’s gravity in the air so that it can move around freely. The spacesuit Horizon wears won’t stun you that easily. Horizon’s Spacewalk feature allows you to move freely and freely in the air. This really helps you launch attacks on the enemy.

Just using the spacewalk doesn’t really make your movement in the air free. Another skill that Horizon has is gravity lifting. Using it at the same time as a spacewalk will make your air jump many times more flexible. This benefit makes it easier for you to effectively carry out ranged attacks on enemies.

Tactical Skill – Gravity Lifting

Tactical Skill - Gravity Lifting

This ability is pretty unique. Using your tactical skills, you can create an upward jump path that can be used by teammates, enemies, or yourself to jump very high. If the enemy makes a sudden attack on you, you can dodge them instantly by using the Gravity Lift skill. Jump into the gravity lift you created and move forward.

Such a high position makes it difficult for the enemy to shoot you directly. In an urgent situation, jump backwards on a gravity lift and attach a shield or medkit. If the situation were more serious, fleeing the battlefield would be the right decision.

When attacked using the Bangalore and Gibraltar attack types, you can jump on the gravity elevator and fall back on the enemy. Don’t worry, you are safe from attack in the air. If you are surrounded by enemies in the room, throw a gravity elevator at the entrance to close the path so the enemy cannot pass. You can also use a gravity lift to block a grenade throw from an enemy.

Ultimate ability – black hole

Ultimate ability from Horizon Apex Legends - Black Hole

This special ability allows NEWT to unleash a mini black hole that soaks up everything around it for 10 seconds. You can throw a black hole at a rallying enemy. There are many enemies to defeat in one attack!

But don’t be satisfied with the black hole capabilities that you have. The reason for this is because there are two enemy characters that can easily break the power of the skill. These are Wraith and Octane, two legendary enemies to watch out for! Make sure the mini black holes you throw aren’t anywhere near Wraith and Octane.

Well, these are some guidelines and tips to help you maximize the skills of the Horizon character aka Gravitational Manipulator in the Apex Legends game. Curious? Just try to play and good luck! Stay tuned for the latest updates on games, gadgets and anime only from Kabar Games. So that you don’t miss the news, you can follow the news Instagram and Facebook accounts. You can also visit us on the Kabar Games Discord Channel. Don’t forget to leave your comments!