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These 7 strongest shooters in Mobile Legends 2021 will make Auto Win

These 7 strongest shooters in Mobile Legends 2021 will make Auto Win

The strongest shooter in Mobile Legends – Would you like to meet the strongest shooter in Mobile Legends? Here How Eug will discuss it. For those who want to meet the strongest shooter in Mobile Legends, we’ll read to the end.

There are several marksman type heroes in the Mobile Legends game. But do you know what a marksman is? Here is the explanation.

What is hero archer?

Hero archer is a hero who attacks from a great distance. In addition, the sniper hero attacks with Physical Attack in the Mobile Legends game.

Hero shooters have very thin HP, so it is necessary to cover the hero armor. Usually the archer is placed on the side web.

But the middle lane is not uncommon.

In the early game or early game, this sniper hero might not have a lot of damage.

But in the late game or in the middle of the game, the shooter has enormous damage.

Even tanks in the late game can take on the archer hero in Mobile Legends.

Because when all the items are complete, the archer hero’s attack speed increases.

There are also some of the strongest archers in mobile legends that we can use. Of course, if we deploy the sickest mm hero in 2021, we can easily win the game.

Then who is the strongest shooter in Mobile Legends?

Here are some of the sickest mm of 2021 for you to try. Check out the strongest shooter in Mobile Legends below.

The strongest shooter in Mobile Legends 2021

1. Granger

Right now, Granger is the strongest shooter in Mobile Legends. In multiple tiers like Legend, Mythic, and Mythical Glory, Granger is often the top ban on draft picks because his damage is too overwhelming.

2. Brody

Brody is also Granger, who is a banned hero on draft picks. Because if someone uses it as a hyper-carry, it will definitely be hard to beat.

Besides, if it’s covered in hylos.

3. Bruno

The second strongest shooter in Mobile Legends is Bruno. The basic attack does enormous damage if it hits the enemy continuously.

Also, he is difficult to catch because he has the ability to walk, namely ability 2.

4. Clint

Actually, Clint is also the strongest shooter in Mobile Legends, but not many people know that. Clint is no longer what he used to be.

Skill 1 and the Ultimate now do massive damage, especially late in the game.

5. Popol and Kupa

Sagittarius is also hard to catch because he has a pet. If it’s ulti, it can stun the opponent for a long time.

In addition, he also has a trap to stop the enemy’s steps if he is chasing him.

That of course makes Popol and Kupa the strongest shooters in Mobile Legends.

6. Beatrix

Beatrix is ​​also the sickest mm in 2021. She did a lot of damage during the late game. If the hero’s armor can cover him well, Beatrix will not be caught.

7. Claude

With the attack speed generated from the stack, Claude will become the sickest mm hero in 2021. If the person playing him is a professional, the enemy cannot stop him.

These are some of the strongest shooters in Mobile Legends. Who do you think is the strongest shooter in Mobile Legends? Write yes in the comments.

So many articles on the strongest shooter in Mobile Legends. Hopefully useful, thanks.