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These 5+ heroes are mandatory in Mobile Legend's Forbidden Season 16

Moonton updates and resets the system every season as usual. Without realizing it, Season 15 was already over, so Moonton made the latest META adjustments. As a result, there are some heroes who are now starting to switch from blocked subscriptions to no, and vice versa, heroes, who this time were considered normal and not disturbing, need to be added to the blocked list.

If we look at the latest META Season 16, there aren’t that many significant changes other than the draft pick method applied to 6 hero hoops and the permanent Magic Chess mode. But the interesting thing about the current META is that it is now considering some support heroes or heroes that were often underrated in the past.

Hero Mobile Legends Top Banned Season 16

As with the previous season’s top bans, of course Season 16 will have to ban those heroes who have high damage along with powerful passive abilities from each hero.

1. Hero WanWan

Not so long ago, Moonton released one of the heroes in the role of archer, who has unique attacking skills. Because the archer with the nickname WanWan has a pretty high degree of mobility.

The attack power is quite painful and very difficult to attack, which makes WanWan one of the marksman heroes with good posability alongside Granger and Claude.

It is natural that this hero would be banned multiple times at the beginning of Season 16, although there are 2 other marksman heroes who are also banned at times, namely Granger and Karrie. But WanWan has banned this hero thanks to its mobility and agility.

2. Heroine Nana

“Don’t choose Nana!” “Don’t choose Nana!” “Play right, no nana!” Perhaps these were some of the words often said by other users who underestimated the skills of the cat fairy, the ruler of great powers. Nana is not one of the new heroes like WanWan, Atlas or Cecilion.

He is one of the heroes who is quite older and long in the Mobile Legends game. This is proof that Moonton not only spruces up its new heroes, but also takes care of old heroes.

Since getting a makeover from Moonton, Nana has actually become one of the Support / Mage heroes, which is pretty annoying and very effective for use in META at this point. Having received a buff from Moonton, Nana is now often the target of the Banned rank.

3. Hero Diggie

Along with Nana, Diggie is one of the support heroes who didn’t escape the exclusion zone. Yes, one of the supporters entered the no-go zone the previous season, where META heroes with increasing crowd control skills made Diggie Overpowered.

Currently, Moonton is giving this Diggie Owl Support hero a touch of buff again. Therefore, he is often included in the ban zone because it is considered too difficult for his opponent to move.

4. Heroling

This assassin had changed the position of top assassins like Fanny and Gussion who, by the way, are assassins who have high mobility and do quite painful damage. Yes, in the last few seasons, Ling is one of the assassin heroes who caught the attention of Warrior Mobile Legends.

Because Ling’s ability is quite annoying indeed and becomes a threat to hero transportation. Because he can target the carry hero from the wall and move from one wall to the other.

5. Hero Pharsa

In addition to assisting assassins and snipers, one of the roles that is no less aimed at entering the forbidden zone is mage. Yes, actually there are several heroes for the magician role who are also in the prohibited zone, such as Valir, Cecilion or Selena. However, one of the magical heroes who is no less eager to be banned is Pharsa.

With her ski becoming one of the award skins for Season 14, Pharsa got a few buff touches from Moonton, so she entered META quite often because she found her skills to be quite painful and arduous.

6. Hero Chufra

Who does not know one of the tanks from the mythical Middle East of Egypt, yes Khufra. One of the main khufra skills is self-throwing, which is like a cannonball that can cause crowd control effects like knockup, slow movement, which makes it difficult to escape desert-style ball attacks.

As a result of this ability, Khufra eventually became one of the heroes featured on the list of Most Blocked Heroes of Season 15 quite often. In addition to abilities that provide crowd control effects, this tank also has quite a bit of damage, making it very effective as a tank for protecting hero transport.

7. Hero Atlas

This new tank, currently the Primadona alongside Khufra and Uranus, has quite tank-like and unique capabilities. The reason is almost similar to Franco, Atlas is able to attract the opponent’s hero in a near ult.

In addition, Atlas is often included in the Prohibited Zone along with Khufra, as it is considered very impractical for the opponent to move. Also, the skills it has are very effective in restricting the opponent’s movement.

8. Heroine Karrie

The last legendary sniper hero is Karrie. Yes, if I’m not mistaken, Karrie was one of the first heroes to get banned when the banned feature was first implemented.

Karrie is one of the marksman heroes known as a true damage killer. Yes, it is often feared by tank users as it is viewed as sick damage and can break armor on tanks.

So these are some of the heroes that became the top banned season 16, maybe those heroes will shift again because Moonton will be returning in the near future to make adjustments to some heroes. Yes, Moonton does that a lot.

How are you gear In your opinion, about the above heroes, is there your favorite hero who has subscribed to the ban? Or do you want to add other heroes who are often on the top-banned season 16 list? Please leave your message in the comments.

(TeknoGeng / Games)