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The 5 strongest tank heroes in Mobile Legends Season 14 games | Games – Tank is a very important role hero in every Mobile Legends match. The role of the tanks in any game is very important. Tanks not only have very high HP, but also a very large defense (physical and magical defense)). Mobile Legends’ strongest tank must have such a character.

Thanks to their very high HP and defense, tanks are also the most effective heroes for launching attacks. Tanks must be at the head of a team if they want to start a fight or Team fight.

5 Barbarian Heroes Mobile Legends Season 14

One of the most important skills a tanker must have is their HP and great durability. But these two skills are not enough, a tanker must have too Crowd control and good initiation skills. Then their ability to guard the hero wear the team must also be very effective.

Referring to these skills, Here are the 5 strongest and best tank heroes in Mobile Legends Season 14 Games. Which one is your hero

1. Chufra

Khufra Mobile Legends
Photo: Khufra Apophis – Mobile Legends Bang Bang

From its initial release through Season 14, Khufra is still the best tank in Mobile Legends. This hero is even often a subscription forbidden in several tournaments such as MPL Indonesia Season 4 and Legend Tier and above. Even if released, this hero will definitely become a bone of contention for both teams.

One of the reasons Khufra is the best tank in Mobile Legends is because it’s a counter many heroes, especially agile heroes. Khufra can lead to them not being able to use skills flash or Line. The agile heroes of Fanny, Gusion and Lancelot can be stopped very easily by Khufra.

Then Khufra has too defense very thick when it turned into a ball. He will get Damage reduction which is very high in this mode. With this ability, Khufra becomes a very difficult tank to kill, even in the late game although.

Khufra also has very good initiation skills in the team. With his first skill he can give a surprise attack to the enemy because the sprint distance of this skill is very long.

The benefits of Hero Khufra :

  • to have Crowd control effective for agile hero countermeasures,
  • to have Damage reduction high,
  • PS and durability very high,
  • A very strong HP regeneration, and
  • Good initiator for the team.

Hero Khufra’s weaknesses:

  • wasteful where
  • positioning quite difficult, and
  • cooling down Competencies relatively long.

2. Grock

Grock monitor lizard
Photo: Grock Monitor Lizard – Mobile Legends Bang Bang

For the past 4 seasons, Grock is still a widely used tankchoose by most Mobile Legends players, especially these users Tanker true. Grock is no longer a subscriber forbidden again, but he is often a bone of contention between the two teams that are about to compete. It is also often used by professional players in Mobile Legends, both in tournaments and games Mytic level up.

Grock deserves to be one of the best tanks because he has it durability that was huge, especially when it was near a wall. Physically and Magic defense and the HP regeneration it has will increase. So don’t be surprised if Grock is hard to kill when he’s around floor on the wall or on the tower.

Another reason many professional players use Grock is because of its ability immunee that he has. Grock will not be affected Crowd control from the enemy thanks to this ability. Grock is immune to all CC effects when using Skill 1 near a tower or wall.

It doesn’t stop there, Grock can also give damage which is very great, especially Skill 1. His ultimate skill will also do heavy damage if the ram hits the wall. in the early game Of course, this combination of Skill 1 and Ultimate is enough to push back the enemy marksman and mage to return to their place base You.

Also read: Build the strongest items & tutorial Grock Mobile Legends

Advantages of Hero Grock:

  • Have immune skills that are immune to CC,
  • huge damage,
  • High durability and HP,
  • Can isolate enemies and
  • Great speed of movement.

Heroes Grock’s weaknesses:

  • very wasteful,
  • Skill 3 rarely hits the target,
  • Coolodown skill is relatively long.

3. Minotaur

Minotaur Orbiter Skin Mobile Legends
Photo: Minotaur Orbiter Skin Mobile Legends – Mobile Legends Bang Bang

When Khufra has been banned and Grock is chosen by the opposing team, you can choose a Minotaur to become a tank on your team. The Mino Gang may not be as good as the two, but if you study them well, it can become the most powerful tank in Mobile Legends. Also, it got a better skill after being overhauled by Moonton recently.

One of the reasons the Minotaur deserves to be the strongest in Mobile Legends in Season 13 is because of its crowd control ability. It can give the enemy a knock-up effect in a relatively long time and is comprehensive. So he can also face agile heroes like Gusion. However, the red range he has must be full for his ultimate to work effectively.

In addition, the Minotaur also has high HP regeneration with its second ability. Even teammates who were nearby could be recovered with this ability. Then he also has a jumping skill (skill 1) which is very helpful for escaping or chasing enemies.

Advantages of the Minotaur Hero:

  • high HP regeneration,
  • Crowd control is the area
  • High durability and HP, and
  • Don’t use mana.

Minotaur Hero’s Weaknesses:

  • Depending on the anger
  • Lack of escape skills and
  • It’s easy to get hit.

Also read: Build items and complete the Minotaur Mobile Legends tutorial

4. Uranus

Uranus Mobile Legends
Photo: Uranus – Mobile Legends Bang Bang

The next hero tank to rank up in Season 14 of Mobile Legends is Uranus. This hero is rarely banned and is not a bone of contention between the two teams. Heroes in-revise von Moonton now deserves to be considered one of the finest tankers in the Land of Dawn.

One of the main reasons you should choose Uranus is because it has high HP regeneration and very thick HP. For one wear enemy team will find it difficult to kill Uranus quickly. When combined with the right build items, Uranus is very difficult to kill.

Then the damage to Uranus is also quite big. Typically, Uranus professionals use the Execute spell to make it easier for them to execute enemies with dying HP.

Advantages of Hero Uranus:

  • Huge HP Rain,
  • durability big in the late game,
  • damage Big and
  • Crowd control very strong in late game.

Hero Uranus weaknesses:

  • wasteful where
  • Have no skills Escape, and
  • Weak against heroes Burst damage.

5. Bavaria

Baxia Mobile Legends
Photo: Baxia – Mobile Legends Bang Bang

Even if it was only published on Original server, According to our Bavaria deserves to be the best tank in Mobile Legends. Not a lot of people use it right now, but maybe this hero will be used a lot in the future. Especially when the professional player already know the strengths and weaknesses and know how to play effectively with the Baxia hero.

One of the characteristics of Baxia is that it can turn into a gangsing and hit the enemy. Those who are hit are stunned and repel. We can use this skill for spontaneous attacks or hit and run like Johnson’s ultimate skill.

In addition to this, Baxia also has tremendous durability as its passive ability receives damage reduction. This status increases to 75% when Baxia activates his ultimate skill. That way, Baxia is a very hard tank driver to kill, especially when using items Wings of the Apocalypse Queen.

You can see the full Baxia tutorial here, folks: Latest Build Items & Tutorials for Baxia Mobile Legends

The advantages of Hero Baxia:

  • high mobility,
  • Crowd control is troublesome
  • Short skill cooldown,
  • Nice initiator and
  • high damage reduction,

Hero Baxia’s weaknesses:

  • wasteful where
  • Have no hero target, and
  • Has no immune skills.


These are some of the strongest tank heroes to rank up with in Season 14 of Mobile Legends. In addition to the 5 heroes above, there are other tank heroes that you can use like Franco and Akai. But this hero, in our opinion, has more difficulties compared to the above heroes. It all comes back to you as a user or the pilot.

All heroes are good yes gangdepending on whether or not we can maximize the capabilities it has. It’s just easier to win the game when you use the current meta-heroes. Hopefully useful and have fun playing.

Please also check the latest build items from other heroes just below TechnoGang so that you can become an invincible player in the Land of Dawn.

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