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That's the secret of Fast Game Mobile Legends

Anyone who is very satisfied with Mobile Legends will of course already be familiar with the term Mobile Legends quick game Not? This term describes how players use special techniques to finish the game faster.

Reports from Jalantikus, Smeakers and Idntimes, this technique is found in ranked mode and mainly played by players who are already professionals. So what is the secret of this one technique? Here’s the secret from Mobile Legends quick game What you need to know

Do ganks often


For quick games, the first thing to do is gankers often. Of course, when you switch to ranked mode ml high you will meet with Ganker and Roamer heroes more often. Hence, the technique you are using is in vain unless you combine it with the gank technique.

This gank technique aims to take down the enemy lane quickly and then immediately push the enemy. The gank technique also aims to slow the enemy’s level increase because with a continuous gank the enemy will die more easily. That way, they get less gold and win than you and your team.

Don’t miss the chance to win the game


If you attack widespread, enemy heroes will die invincibly. When a damaging hero or other dangerous hero dies, don’t waste the opportunity to take out the rest of the heroes by push or master. Of course, when a dangerous hero dies, it will be easier for you to kill other heroes.

You can just kill the lord first to easily destroy the enemy tower. With the destruction of the enemy tower, it will be easier for you to kill the hero at close range. By taking the opportunity when a dangerous hero dies, you can apply the technique mobile legends fast game bang bang.

Use a Ganker or Roamer hero

Another secret to apply fast game ml that is, use a Ganker Hero or a Roamer Hero. Why this? Because if your team is more dominated by Ganker or Riamer heroes, it will be easier for you to do ganking by moving the lanes in quicker time.

Especially when you step into the middle lane which is quite sensitive. You are more effective at ganking in the middle lane. Mid Lane itself is dominated by Mara assassins like Saber, Lancelot, etc. so you will find it easier to kill them if you use a Ganker or Roamer hero.

Kill the enemy’s jungle jungle


For those of you who are gamers Mobile legends high rank You will know the size of the jungle. For those of you who want quick play techniques, jungle into your team’s lane or the opposing team’s lane.

If your lane is up, killing all of your opponent’s jungle is a good idea. This is on top of providing extra gold for you and your team as by eliminating the opponent’s jungle, the opponent has little chance of the jungle, resulting in slow leveling of the enemy heroes. The slower the enemy’s level increases, the easier it will be for you to take down the enemies.

Aim for hero carry hero hero

Every team certainly has a key hero who will become the benchmark for victory in any war. Where most teams use the carry hero with the marksman role to become the key hero of the war. Hence, for those of you who want a fast paced game, you need to target the carry hero first.

Hero Carry does enough damage to the enemy, so kill the carry hero first before you finish off all the enemies. This will make it easier for you to wage war against other heroes as there are no key heroes to guard them.

Well, these are five secrets for those of you who want to do it Mobile Legends quick game. Besides being fun using this technique, you will of course win the war more effectively than usual.