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Strongest Build X Borg 2021 Mobile Legends

Build X Borg harms Mobile Legends
Build X Borg harms Mobile Legends

Build X Borg hurts tremendous damage No medicine – After arriving in Lan of Dawn a few seasons ago, X-Borg has proven that he can survive in the common meta-hero layers, X-Borg remains a Pick-Abo hero, although new heroes come and go.

X-Borg Very often we meet in every battle in the Mobile Legend Game. He’s always present as the toughest offlaner to beat during a 1v1 duel he’s set.

X-Borg Mobile Legends

X-Borg is a hero fighter that has a specialty rain / poke, with relatively high durability, attack and skill effects. If we compare him to other fighters in general, this hero has advantages in durability and attack as well as a skill Das is so annoying that he is the only one who is able to continuously cause damage without stopping, so it will be very difficult to deal with X-Borg face to face.

X-borg skill explanation and usage skill

For those of you who want to use this hero, make sure you understand all of this hero’s abilities. Because of the uniqueness of the skill set, you need to know the details of its skills in order to use Hero to the fullest, here is an explanation and usage of Skill X-borg that you should know.

Passive (armor fortress)

X-Borg is a hero who has a bar with 2 colors, namely green for HP and brown for armor. To make the discussion about this hero easier, we will divide X-Borg into 2 modes armor mode and non-armor

Armor mode: mode in which X-borg has a brown HP bar in this mode. X-Borg’s auto attacks are melee attacks.

Non Armor: Mode in which X-Borg only has a green HP bar in this mode. Xbor’s auto attack attacks become ranged attacks.

In non-armor mode, healing or spell vamp effects can only fill green HP bars, but not brown HP bars.

In armor mode, the Heal or Vamp effect can fill the brown HP bar to full or full.

X-Borg has no mana, but has an energy bar, but he does not use any energy when using Skill 1 and Skill 2.

If the X-Borg takes damage until the brown HP bar is depleted, the X-Borg loses its Firaga armor and its energy is instantly depleted.

If the Firaga armor is broken, X-Borg will not be able to take damage in a short period of time, then you can use the joystick to perform a dash to dodge the opponent’s attack.

If the Firaga armor breaks X-Borg, the energy bar of X-Borg is used up immediately, this energy can slowly regenerate receives 30% of its maximum HP, which is brown.

All enemy units (except minions) affected by the X-Borg fire skill receive a temperature gauge that can increase to max. When the temperature gauge is at its highest temperature, the target will put out a Firaga Suppplay tube in which you can assist the Firaga tube to regenerate energy and also the HP Bar which is brown.

Skill 1 (Fire Rockets)

Fire Missiles is the main skill of X-Borg for dealing good damage to the opponent’s hero unit. Farming and Clear Lane are the most effective when only that skill is used.

You can point this skill in any direction and this skill can pierce tempo too, when this skill is active, X-Borg will spend a skill in the previously determined direction.

In armor mode: Enemies hit by this attack take 30 physical damage (+ 50% total physical attack) for 2 seconds. at 10%.

In non-armor mode: The range of the attack area of ​​this skill is extended to make attacking the enemy unit easier. In this attack mode, X-Borg only deals 60% damage of Damege if he has armor.

Skill 2 (Fire Stake)

Fire Stake is a skill area that you can direct. When this skill is active, X-Borg issues the fire stake to the front, then the fire stake returns to X-Borg’s body after 1.7 seconds.

Each fire stake deals 50 (+ 20% total physical attack) physical damage to enemies in its path and pulls them towards the X-Boorg.

In non-armor mode, this skill changes the rare length it can remove, and does not reduce the damage of this skill as it does with skill 1 X-Borg in non-armor mode.

What makes this skill stand out is that if you use this skill infrequently, you can take Firaga Supplay, so you don’t run the risk of getting anywhere near enemies around Firaga Supplay.

Skill 3 (Last Madness)

Last Insanity can only be used when X-Borg has the Firaga armor. You cannot use Last Insanity in No Armo mode.

You can steer this skill in the direction you choose, before this skill is active, use the left joystick, if this skill is active the X-Borg will spin while it is releasing fire for 3 seconds and then it will explode. You can see the indicator on the Skill 3 button.

If the X-Borg takes damage until the candy bar is used up, the X-Borg will explode instantly without waiting 3 seconds.

Enemies hit by this fire take 200 (+ 100% additional physical damage) physical damage and 25% slowing effect.

When the X-Borg explodes, it deals 300 additional damage and 15% real damage of the target’s maximum HP.

When X-Borg Last is cast insanity, he can still take damage, but is immune to crowd control effects.

Deadliest Combo Skill, X-Borg

To make a combo, you can first use Skill 1 to burn your opponent. Then use Skill 2 to inhibit your opponent’s movement and want to escape, then use Skill 3 to burn opponents who couldn’t escape because they were pulled by Skill 2 and try to target the enemy unit you are targeting aim to blow up with a combo.

Build X Borg is the deadliest pain

As a hero who is dependent on skills, this hero naturally needs Build X Borg Sick, which can work synergistically with all of his skill sets. Here is Build X Borg Sick Most Deadly which is very good to try out.

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Recommended combat spells and emblem sets

Recommended combat spell

The battle spell we think is ideal and the only one that works best for X-Dor is Flicker as this battle spell is very versatile where you can combine it with Ultimate or just run away from enemy targets.

Recommended emblem sets

The fighter emblem is the ideal emblem set that can be combined with this hero, as any arrangement is very synergistic with this hero ability and its composition, 3 firmness, 3 persistence and talent festival of blood. For those of you who are new to it, you can use Custom Assain with 3 Valor, 3 Bloodthirst and Talent Bounty Hunter or Killing Spree.

So this is our quick look back over Build X Borg Sick 2021, Good luck to the curious, For those of you who have other Build Item recommendations, please let us know in the comments section. Many Thanks..