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Strongest Build Hilda 2021 Mobile Legends

Build Hilda Hurt Mobile Legends
Build Hilda Hurt Mobile Legends

Build Hilda Hurt Instant Kill – Once an almost forgotten heroine who has not been used for several seasons, now Hilda is starting to show the sharpness of the ax she brought, Hilda is back in Meta thanks to the Buff Moonton given to her in the Mobile Legends Game respected again.

After experiencing the buff, many players know that this hero has great potential to be used as the key to victory for the team, which always makes Hillda a preferred choice when other meta-heroes cannot be used because of them be blocked.

Hilda Mobile Legends

Hilda is a heroine who has 2 roles at the same time, namely fighter and tank, at the same time not only doing great damage, but also having quite capable defense. Their ability to deal damage and survive makes this hero very attractive. Either in the Upper Tear or Competitive Realm, like MPL Season 6, Genflix Aerowolf, which makes Hilda the key to victory. Although she doesn’t get too many kills, her ability to eliminate enemy hero cores makes Hilda very much feared.

Explanation and use of Hilda’s skills

While Build Hilda is indeed quite influential in terms of dealing damage, you still need proper hero mechanic to unlock this hero’s true potential. The difficulty of this hero is not too high, but if you don’t understand the skills you may have, you will only be feeder in the match, here is the explanation and use of Hilda’s skills that you should know about.

Passive (Blessing of the Wild)

Blessing of Wilderness is a very unique passive, a passive that makes Hilda a heroine who is quite troublesome if not killed because if you run Hilda at her low HP, Hilda will regenerate 2% of her maximum HP every second when she’s in bush, basically his HP is full again and he will counterattack if your HP is repaid by him in the first fight.

Hilda is also a very strong off lane heroine, also because of her passivity, Hilda will really be very strong to do a duel or a safe lane, HP rain, Shiel which is 20% of her HP which makes this hero really strong When in a bush, you as a player must be able to lure enemies into wanting to fight in the bush in order to take advantage of the advantages you have.

Skill 1 (Combat Ritual)

Combat Ritual is a rotation skill owned by this hero, although it does not have a blink skill, this hero’s rotation skill is considered very reliable as flexibility in rotation is key to this hero.

His ability to move locations, make backups, or quickly gank to Lane Secure is what makes this hero so annoying.

When Hilda activates her skill, her movement speed is increased by 60% for 3 seconds and her auto-attack is increased by 200 (+ 100% total physical attack) and slows the target by 40%.

Skill 2 (Hunting Art)

Art of Hunting is Hilda’s main skill for dealing damage, be it to evacuate minions, farm or confront enemies. When you activate this ability, you can attack the enemy you are targeting three times with one ability, and each time you attack, the hero or opponent who is in the attack area will do 158 damage (+ 100% total physical attack) and KnockBack Effect too.

Skill 3 (Power of the Wild)

Power of Ferocity is Hilda’s greatest damaging skill, the ultimate, most feared and shunned by the opponent’s hero core.

When this skill is active, Hilda jumps towards the enemy hero unit you have targeted, gives 800 (+ 250% additional physical attack) and causes a stun effect of% damage from this skill.

What makes this skill so interesting is that when you get a stack for extra damage, each stack you get increases 50 physical damage. The maximum stack you can collect is 8 stacks, so if you hit the stack max, you will get an additional 400 physical damage.

After the full stack of damage caused by Hilda is increased by 50% and 40% of the neglected target’s physical defense, the stack can be obtained by killing or helping.

Hilda’s deadliest combo ability

Actually, this hero’s combo skill is pretty simple, there are few factors that affect the combo of this skill, it may or may not be fatal including Build Hilda, Passive, which Max achieved. When met, this hero’s combo can be very deadly, even for heroes with thin HP, usually 1x Ultimate.

The most common combos are Skill 1 to chase / aim and deal damage to the target, then use Skill 2 in installments and end with Skill 3 Ultimate. For such a combo, it is enough to kill an enemy core hero whose HP base is low.

Hilda’s physique is the deadliest pain

Build Hilda Hurt is one of the important factors in terms of causing damage, but you also need to pay attention to the defense factor because basically Hilda’s main function is to target the enemy hero core who is behind it in the war, so build Hilda Hurt requires also type items defensive.

Below are Hilda Tersakit’s build recommendations for the chat game version that you can potentially try to win in ranked mode.

Build Hilda Hurt 2021 Mobile Legends
Build Hilda Hurt 2021 Mobile Legends
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Build Hilda’s Top Global Hurts Mobile Legends
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Recommended combat spells and emblem sets

Recommended combat spell

For the battle spell itself, it varies of course, but in our opinion the two best to use, first Flicker, this battle can not only be used for escape but also very effective for kidnapping hero cores who are always lagging behind when one War is going on, but if you really prefer to have Hilda deal more damage, you can use Run to kill a target hero who has more HP than a mage or sniper.

Recommended emblem sets

The ideal emblem set for you is the Assassin Emblem Set with 3 Agility, 3 Invasion and Talent High and Dry, but if the Assassin Emblem Set is small, you can alternatively use the Fighter Emblem Set with 3 Valor, 3. use Invasion and Talent Deactivation Strike.

So this is our quick look back over Build Hilda 2021 Hurt Instant Kill, To those of you who are curious good luck, To those of you who have other build item recommendations, please leave your comments. Many Thanks..