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Strengths and weaknesses of the new hero Cecilion Mobile Legends | Games – Cecilion is a new hero in Mobile Legends who is the lover of. is Carmilla. This hero has slightly different traits than other mage heroes as the late game damage really hurts.

Is it worth buying Cecilion’s hero for you?

For the sultan player you have to buy it, of course, or ^^. For your mage users, you should buy it too, as this hero’s potential is pretty good too. In the meantime, all Hero users should understand the pros and cons first.

Because if you don’t know your strengths and weaknesses, you will regret it later. There is no point in spending the Battle Points that you have accumulated a long time ago. So it is best if you consider it before buying, guys.

In this article, TeknoGeng will now briefly discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Cecilion, Gang. You can use this review as a reference before you decide to buy this hero unless you are a sultan gamer ^^

Strengths and Weaknesses of Hero Cecilion Mobile Legends

As in real life, all of the heroes in Mobile Legends, including Cecilion, have strengths and weaknesses that, of course, cannot be separated. From these two aspects, we will know how to maximize the hero’s potential.

While we know the weakness, we can know how to disable it. The following is Cecilion Mobile Legends strengths and weaknesses YesWhat you should know

The advantages of Hero Cecilion Mobile Legends

The advantages of the new hero Cecilion.
The advantages of the new hero Cecilion.

Burst damage area

Cecilion has Territory Skills with his ultimate skills, Bat Festival. This skill lets Cecilion spend a lot of bats and automatically attack against enemies nearby.

It turns out that the gang area of ​​this skill is very large, so it is very useful for team fights. This skill deals sustained damage for 1.5 seconds. In team combat, we can turn our backs on the hero despite his great reach.

The second skill Blood Claws also has a wide range for teamfighting. This skill locks the opposing team’s movement and pulls them to the center, so it’s very good for keeping crowd control.

In addition to its long range, this skill can also deal a lot of damage. In fact, it’s not just that skill, all of Cecilion’s skills are very high when they enter the late stage of the game. Because the damage skill of this hero scales with the amount of mana. The more mana we have, the higher the skill damage becomes.

Annoying poke hero

Cecilion is also a very annoying hero mage. His first ability, Bat Impact, has a pretty long range. This way we can use it to poke enemies from a safe distance.

We can also spam this skill if the first use hits the target. The mechanism of this skill is similar to that of Skill 2 Baxia Gangs. However, your mana consumption will be very wasteful if we spam continuously.

In the late game, this skill can deal high burst damage. Although the range of this skill is not great, its range is very wide. So it can hit the enemy in the back.

It’s just that we need to be able to match that skill with the skill’s distance. Because of the great damage it does if it hits the target at the end of this skill.

Magician late game

Usually the hero who dominates the late game is the shooter as he relies on items. While the hero mage usually only dominates in the early game and weakens in the late game.

But it’s different from Cecilion because that late game hero can dominate. Because the hero can deal skill damage based on the amount he has. The greater the mana we have, the higher the damage skill.

Of course, we won’t get which offer is high until late in the game. In this way, Cecilion will have very high damage at this stage. In addition, Cecilion’s skill damage is even higher if you can maximize the item correctly.

The most effective team fight hero

Cecilion is quite an effective hero for teamfights. One of them is that Skills 1 & 3 have a very wide range. In this way we can imprison the hero who is behind the enemy. But in use it is a little tricky Gear.

Cecilion is also strong enough for team fights as his ultimate ability can heal him. In addition, it will also be immune to slow effects. For extra immunity we can use Purify.

Then the second skill is also quite annoying, because it not only has a slow effect, but also immobilizes for 1 second. In addition, this skill can also lure enemies in the middle like skill 1 Martis. Therefore, it is also very effective to provide a crowd control area.

Very easy to use

Unlike hero mages in general, Cecilion has a straightforward ability mechanism. In this way, this hero can easily master his skills. Of course, after a few games, you can easily master all the skills.

It’s just that you have to learn the gameplay, which of course has a huge impact on how the game progresses. Then we need to be able to predict the enemy’s movement so that Skill 1 doesn’t miss. Of course, having this skill gives you additional benefits.

Also read: Build items that harm Cecicilion Mobile Legends

Weaknesses of Hero Cecilion Mobile Legends

The weakness of the new hero Cecilion
Hero Cecilion Mobile Legends’ weaknesses – Photo: MLBB

Very wasteful mana

After discussing the advantages of the new hero Cecilion, let’s now discuss the weaknesses. One of Cecilion’s greatest weaknesses is that his mana consumption is very wasteful. The first skill is really good for shock enemies as the damage is high and the range is very long. But if we spam all the time, our mana runs out quickly.

That’s why we don’t use Skill 1 too often. Just use it appropriately and save it for other purposes.

However, you can minimize this weakness with the rain item, namely Demon Shoes or Enchanted Talisman. But if you continuously spam Skill 1, where will you break?

Have no escape ability

This Cecilion has a high movement speed after using his skill. Movement speed increases by 30% after using Skill 1 and 60% after using the ultimate skill.

But unfortunately, Cecilion doesn’t have better escape skills like jump / dash / blink. This ability is of course urgently needed to avoid surprise attacks by the opposing team. So this Cecilion will most likely die instantly if hit by crowd control burst like Guinevere, Kaja, Chou, and Aurora.

Strongly depends on the team

All of Cecilion’s skills are extensive, so we need reinforcements from the team so that no one comes near him. Skills 1 and 2 are very bad for hand-to-hand combat indeed. You have to play it safe and you need solid teamwork. So you should be playing a party when you play this hero, gang.

These are the review gangs this time about the strengths and weaknesses of the new hero Cecilion Mobile Legends. You really need solid teamwork when using this hero. In addition, he is more suitable for team fights than solo fights like Harley and Cyclops, since his skill target is the area.

Hopefully it’s useful, happy push rank, and don’t forget to take a break, gang ^^

Also read: Most of the GG Cecilion tutorial in Mobile Legends

(Games / Cell Phone Legends)