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Star Silver Genshin Impact location: Here is the map

Location of Star Silver Genshin Impact – Genshin Impact is the newest game that is played by many users. This time, when searching for Silver Star, many users are confused.

Star Silver is the newest item in Genshin Impact. You can find this item in the Dragonspire section of the Genshin Impact game.

Dragonspire is known as an area with many mountains, so it is difficult to get Silver Star items.

This silver star can be used to create interesting weapon blueprints to be found in the new Dragon Spire area.

Genshin Impact players can obtain and keep this Silver Star item which can later be used to purchase various needs in the Genshin Impact game.

If you want the weapon blueprint, you can complete the world quest mission in the Dragon Spire area.

There are so many Genshin players out there who don’t know where the Star Silver Genshin Impact item is, that’s why we’re going to discuss the location of the Silver Star in this article.

Location of Star Silver Genshin Impact

To get this Silver Star, you can go to the Dragonspire area, which is made up of many mountains. and it seems very difficult to find a silver star.

However, in this picture we believe that this is how easily you can get a silver star that is supposedly difficult to find.

Location of the star silver genshin impact
Location of the silver star

the location of the silver star is in the marked area. Based on the map image, the green area is where most of the silver stars are located. the green area can also be referred to as the Starglow Cavern.

then the red area is the frostbearing tree area and the yellow area is the Wyrmrest Valley area.

To get a silver star you can start near the iris, here you can get a silver star with lots and a suitable starting place.

Well, that’s a picture of the most likely area that silver stars are. With this picture you can easily get a silver star in this Genshin game and not feel where this object is