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Redeem Genshin Impact 1.6 code, request it now!

Redeem code Genshin Impact 1.6 – Genshin Impact has been updated. To compensate for this update, you will receive 600 premogems.

In addition to the bonus, you will also receive a reimbursement for repairs.

Updates are also included in the Battle Pass or BP.

You can use the redemption code after upgrading.

Redeem Genshin Impact Code 1.6

After you have updated Genshin Impact Patch 1.6 you will of course need a redemption code.

This redemption code is also new. You will receive many gifts from this redemption code.

Starting with the food to the premogem. Immediately after the redemption code.


The chance of getting a reward for this code is also great.

Use this redemption code to get promos and meals. In addition to food and premogem, you also receive up to 1000 gold.

How do I then redeem the code?

How to Redeem Patch 1.6

Before doing this, make sure your Genshin Impact has been updated to patch 1.6

If it has not been updated, this redemption code cannot be used.

When it is updated, you can redeem the latest code instantly and win lots of prizes.

Just see how.

  1. First enter into the Genshin Impact game first.
  2. Go to Settings / Account to open the redeem menu
  3. After opening the settings menu / account, open the account menu
  4. There will be a code exchange menu in the account menu
  5. Click the Redemption Code menu and enter the redemption code
  6. You can copy or re-enter the redemption code above
  7. When you clicked Exchange.

How to view redemption results

After you have redeemed the code, you can see the redemption result in the message box.

The gift of the redemption code is sent in this message field.

In addition to the redemption code results in your inbox, you can see what rewards you have received. Including compensation from the game update Patch 1.6

This message box is also used to send the compensation for routine maintenance.

So you can often check the message box to see what you received.

You should use the redemption code immediately as this redemption code is limited. So let’s play ASAP and use this redemption code.