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New Build Nana Strong Cute but dangerous

Hi folks, welcome back to Bangudinpro Review, thank you guys!
Today I am sure to give you more information about Mobile Legends heroes. This time I’m going to be giving Build Nana Strong in Mobile Legends.

New building Nana Strong

Nana is a support mage who has annoying skills and is easy to use. Nana has a passive ability that transforms into Molina and is immune to all damage, increasing her movement speed for 2 seconds. Nana also has Ability 1 to throw a boomerang in a specific direction, dealing magical damage and causing a slow effect. In addition, Nana also has Ability 2, which Molina can summon in a predetermined direction. Moments later, Molina locks 1 enemy hero, chases and transforms him for a few seconds. Nana also has the ultimate ability, which Molina can summon to attack a given area three times. Each attack inflicts magical damage and stuns enemies in the area. Although Nana has extraordinary abilities, it takes the right items to maximize Nana benefits. Here’s the Strong Nana build, check this out.

The following items are hero Nana Sweet Leonin.

Arcane boots
The first item in Nana’s build is Arcane Boots. Now this shoe item can deal additional Magical Penetration damage. So this item can be used by Nana who can offer maximum damage abilities. For those of you who want to use this Nana hero, you can purchase arcane boot items.

Enchanted talisman
The second item in Nana’s build is an enchanted talisman item. This item is a magical item that can provide additional magical power and cooldown reduction. In addition, this item can also regenerate mana regeneration, so Nana can spam abilities to provide magical power and HP regeneration so that Nana can use her abilities more frequently. This item can aid the abilities of Nana’s heroes who have wasteful mana abilities. With the help of this item, Nana’s “mana” never runs out and can always spend abilities as it has a high cooldown reduction that HP can continually regenerate so that it cannot be easily eliminated.

Also read: Build Gatotkaca Ofliner Strong

Necklace of the Durance
The third item in Build Nana is the Neklace of Durance item. This item is a magical item that can provide additional magical power, magical lifesteal, and cooldown reduction. In addition, this item has a passive ability that reduces the opponent’s rain effect with skill damage. You can use this item to help the team weaken HP Rain from enemy core heroes so that they can be easily defeated.

Lightning stick
The fourth item in Nana’s build is a lightning stick item. This item is a magical damage item that must be used by Nana. With this item, Nana can generate extra DPS if she manages to damage the enemy with your skills, the damage can ricochet. On top of that, this item offers additional mana and cooldown reductions, making it really suitable for this nana.

Holy crystal
The fifth item in Build Nana is a Holy Crystal Item. This item is a high power magical item that can significantly increase damage and also increase as the hero level increases. Items are suitable for Nana who can do a lot of damage to enemies, guys !.

See also: Strong Harley Build

Divine glaive
The final item in Build Nana is an item from Divine Glaive. This item must be used by Nana as not only can it add magical power, but it also provides magical penetration. When Nana’s HP is more than 70%, this item activates a unique effect that can add more damage, which is sure to aid Nana’s hero’s abilities. With this item, Nana deals significant damage to the enemy. With the help of this item, Nana can do great damage.

This is the Strong Nana build

New article Nana Strong

Okay come here first guys! Next, I’m going to give you more information about mobile legend heroes. If there are any suggestions as to which hero guides you would like to discuss, you can contact me using the contact form below. I’ll check out the hero guides later, ok !.
Might be useful.