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New Best Build Gatotkaca Offlaner in ML

Hi folks, welcome back to Bangudinpro Review, thank you guys!
Today I am sure to give you more information about Mobile Legends heroes. This time, I’ll be giving Build Gatotkaca Ofliner Strong in Mobile Legends.

Build Gatotkaca Oflaner injures Hu

Gatotkaca is a tank destroyer hero that has high durability and is easy to use. Gatotkaca has a passive where when Gatotkaca gets rage when he takes damage, Gatotkaca uses all his rage and deals extra magic damage and restores HP. Gatotkaca has ability 1 that can destroy the ground in front of him, dealing magic damage and causing a slow effect. In addition, Gatotkaca also has the ability 2 that can attack, which gives the opponent a taunt effect to attack them. Gatotkaca also has the ultimate ability to jump in a specific direction, inflict a knock-up effect nearby, and deal magical damage. Although Gatotkaca has extraordinary abilities, it takes the right items to maximize Gatotkaca’s benefits. Here is the Strong Oflaner Gatotkaca Build. Look at that.

The following items are iron steel items from Hero Gatotkaca.

Warrior boots
The first item in the Gatotkaca build is a warrior boot item. This item is an armor shoe that can provide additional armor so the armor is thick and cannot be easily disposed of. Hence, the shoe item is suitable as it is an armor shoe that can increase physical defense and also increase the speed of movement for Gatotkaca.

Damn helmet
The second item in the Gatotkaca build is a cursed helmet item. Item is a defense item that can provide additional HP and also magical defense. This item must be used by this Gatotkaca hero in addition to providing extra HP and magical defense, it can also deal magical area of ​​damage per second to enemies nearby and this damage is increased when cleaning minions. This item is designed to help Gatotkaca last longer on the battlefield. Hence, the purchase of this item of defense is very mandatory as it can increase defense and deal magical damage to nearby enemies per second. With this article, Ghatotkacha is not easy to beat.

Also Read: The Strongest Johnson Build

Concentrated energy
The third item in the Gatotkaca build is a concentrated energy item. This item must be used by Gatotkaca as not only can it add magical power and HP, but it also offers magical lifesteal. This item supports the skills of the Gatotkaca hero, of course Gatotkaca receives a magical life theft with this item, which is very important for tank mage heroes like this Gatotkaca. In addition, if Gatotkaca can defeat the enemy, this item can provide additional magical lifesteal. This item must be used by Gatotkaca so that it is not easily disposed of.

Blade armor
The fourth item in this Gatotkaca build is a blade armor. This item is a defense item that can add physical defense to Gatotkaca that can be strong against enemies. In addition to this, this item can also restore damage to enemies attacking you. So with this item, Gatotkaca has high defense.

The fifth item in this Gatotkaca build is an Oracle item. This item is a defense item that can provide extra HP and magical defense, as well as a reduction in cooldown. This item not only needs to be used by this Gatotkaca hero for extra HP and magical defense, but it can also increase shield absorption and HP regeneration, so Gatotkaca cannot be easily defeated. So you absolutely need to buy this item of defense as it can increase defense and speed up the regeneration of the HP hero of this Gatotkaca as it increases the HP regeneration. With this item, Gatotkaca is not easy to die and can also make the Gatotkaca hero a feared hero.

See also: Suitable Hero for Solo Rank in Mythic Level

Divine glaive
The final item in this Gatotkaca build is a Divine Glaive item. This item must be used by Gatotkaca as not only can it add magical power but it also provides magical penetration. When Ghatotkacha’s HP is more than 70%, this item activates a unique effect that can add more damage that is sure to aid the abilities of Gatotkaca’s heroes. With this item, Gatotkaca deals significant damage to the enemy. This item must be used by heroes like Gatotkaca, guys. With the help of this item, Gatotkaca can do a lot of damage.

This is the painful build-up of Gatotkaca Ofliner

Gatotkaca Oflaner injured

Okay come here first guys! Next, I’m going to give you more information about mobile legend heroes. If there are any suggestions as to which hero guides you would like to discuss, you can contact me using the contact form below. I’ll check out the hero guides later, ok!
Might be useful.