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Mobile Legends Latest update June 2021, these three heroes get buffs!

X.Borg, Hero Mobile Legends. (Moon tone) – Moonton released the latest Mobile Legends update on the Advanced Server in early June 2021. Patch note 1.5.86 has three heroes receive buffs and some of them receive adjustments.

This one update was rolled out on the Advanced Server at the beginning of June 2021 and is still not available on the original server.

But in the future the update will go to the original server. Natan’s new hero will receive passive skill adjustments, while heroes like X-Borg, Zhask, and Minotaur will receive buffs.

Here is the latest Mobile Legends update to Patch Note 1.5.86, which was released in early June 2021 (Advanced Server):

1. Nathan (new hero)

Hero Nathan Mobile Legends.  (YouTube / Hororo Chan)
Hero Nathan Mobile Legends. (YouTube / Hororo Chan)

Passive (Adaptation): Adapted Auto Attack. Each auto attack moves like a boomerang, damaging lawns in its path.

Skill One (Customization): Skill One now deals targeted damage.

Ultimate: The ultimate skill can be reused for the duration of Ultimate to allow Natan to run a certain distance to the wormhole.

2. Argus (adaptation)

Figure of the hero Argus.  (YouTube / Mobile Legends Bang Bang)
Figure of the hero Argus. (YouTube / Mobile Legends Bang Bang)

Passive (Nerf): Basic attack damage reduced by 220% to 200%.

Skill two (Buff): There is a new effect that activates the bleeding effect for Creep.

Ultimate (Nerf): Reduces the cooldown of all levels for 10 seconds.

3. X-Borg (Buff)

X.Borg, Hero Mobile Legends.  (Moon tone)
X.Borg, Hero Mobile Legends. (Moon tone)

Skill One (Buff): The damage done to minions has been increased from 75% to 100%.

Ultimate (Buff): Basic damage attack 200-300 to 200-250. Additional physical attack from 100 percent attack damage to 130 percent

4. Sun (adaptation)

Sun Mobile Legends.  (Moon tone)
Sun Mobile Legends. (Moon tone)

Tweaked Sun’s doppelganger AI, now smarter. Optimized collection rules for HP double gangers from Sun. You are now purchasing Sun’s current HP and displaying the same HP bar as the original Sun.

Skills One and Two (Customization): Doppelganger attribute ratio increased from 35 percent to 50 percent. The slowing effect has been removed.

5. Minotaur (Buff)

Passive (Buff): Increases the restored rage value when the skill and auto-attack deal damage to non-hero units.

6. Alpha (Nerf)

Skill Two (Nerf): The 6-4 second cooldown now becomes 7-4 seconds. Base HP regeneration per hit decreased from 100-250 to 100-200.

That was the latest Mobile Legends update, rolled out in early June 2021. Did your favorite hero get a buff?