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Miya Build, How-To, Tips and Tricks, Story & Quotes - Mobile Legends

Miya guide / gameplay

This time, I’ll be discussing Build Miya, how to use her skills, tips and tricks, complete with her background and Miya’s words.

Miya is a pretty easy to use hero, Skill 1 for DPS, Skill 2 for slow / blocking enemies and maybe just the ultimate that needs practice to be used the best it can.

Ulti miya can be used to kill enemies quickly and without the opponent noticing, this is even more of an Assassin than Lesley, whose status is MM Assassin.

Miya’s advantages:

  • Passive skills really help in increasing DPS, speeding up farming, and sucking out the enemy’s blood.
  • Can run away with skills so no flickering help is needed.
  • Can create stealth mode and reset opponent’s lock.

Lack of Miya Kekurangan:

  • Lack of MM in general, thin blood and easy to gank.
  • The ultimate is wasted mana.

MM heroes generally rely heavily on items to inflict huge damage on the target. So you really have to farm a lot of gold so that the item / gear can be finished quickly.

Miya’s gameplay is pretty simple, farms from the start of the fight, just play it safe, you don’t have to deal with your opponent’s MM at the start of the fight, if you don’t like it it’s fine.

When the war takes a position in the back row, wait for the enemy to release their ulti, use Skill 2 to slow down the opponent’s movement. Fortunately, they insist on advancing as Miya’s second ability can freeze them. Activate Skill 1 so that you can spam 3 normal attacks at the same time, try to target the weaker ones but keep an eye on your position.

Miya is usually solo in mid lane, and if she gets a top / bot lane then Miya fits into a duet with Tigreal or Ruby.

Miscellaneous Complete Instructions MM: Clint | Irithelium | Moscow | Layla | Bruno

Miya ability / combo

Miya’s passive ability – Turbo
Every time you make a basic attack, your attack speed is increased by 5% for 4 seconds and you can stack 8 times.

  • A really mm passive ability, namely an increase in attack speed.
  • very good for combining passive skills, skill 1 and ultimate.
  • 5% and 8x stackable, this means that your basic attack can be increased by 40% for 4 seconds.

Skill 1 – Splitting Shot CD: 11 secondsMana: 80

Adds 2 arrows to normal attacks and inflicts damage to main target for 4/5/6/7/8/9 seconds and 30% of normal attacks to other targets.

  • During the early game, this skill is very useful for quickly eliminating minions.
  • During the middle and late game, this skill is very useful for taking down the enemy quickly.

Skill 2 – Rain of Arrows CD: 10 seconds Mana: 65

Shoot a shower of arrows of 5 waves at the specified location, the affected enemy is slowed down and those affected by 4 waves are frozen / stunned.

  • Suitable for blocking the enemy’s steps as the enemy will avoid him.
  • Usually this skill is rarely found to freeze you because they basically already know that if you don’t dodge, they’ll be frozen.

Skill 3 / Ulti – Turbo Stealth CD: 38 seconds Mana: 120

Eliminates the slowing effect on Miya, disappears for 1 second, increases attack speed by 35% / 50% / 65% for 6 seconds and movement speed by 45% / 55% / 65% for 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 seconds.

  • This skill can be used to hunt down enemies or dodge enemy attacks / pursuits.
  • Can be used for surprise attacks or suddenly attack enemies.
  • Very effective when used to escape as the opponent’s slow / debilitating effect instantly disappears and their lock is reset.

Skill Priority: Prioritize skill over skill 1, as the duration of the 3 arrow attacks increases with increasing skill level, or prioritize skill 2 if your opponent can be easily disturbed by the skill. Raise skill level 3 whenever it’s available.

Skill Combo I: * Skill 2 – Skill 1 – Attack – Attack – attack – attack – Attack (hunt with Ulti when he tries to escape)

* Skill 2 is used first to make the enemy slow down and harder to move.

Skill Combo II: Skill 1 – Ulti – Attack – Attack – Attack – Attack – (Attack continuously until he dies, use Skill 2 on his escape route if he tries to escape, he will try to avoid him and if he hits he will still a slow effect)

Miya spell:

  • retribution (Recommended) to speed up agriculture. Retaliation is recommended because we can rely on passive abilities and ulti to speed up attacks.
  • Inspire / anger (Alternative), Accelerates attacks.

Recommended Miya Emblems and Talents:

  • Jungle Emblems, talents: Wild power, or
  • Physically Emblems, talents: Open fire, or
  • Sagittarius Emblems, talents: Hot pursuit,

Miya Build / Gears / Items

Build for Miya prioritizes attack speed first as this is a good combination for passive skills. Attack speed will be added with critical items, it will make it easier for us to score savages.

Here is a build from one of Miya’s pro players, namely Louvre Kyz.

1. Scarlet Phantom: Increases attack speed and critical hit chance.
2. Fast Boots: Increases movement while increasing attack speed.
3. Haas’ Claw: To add Lifesteal and Physical Attack, good for defense.
4th Berserker’s Fury:
Attack and critical hit chance added. Critical attack helps us take down the enemy faster as the damage taken by the enemy is greater.
5. Malicious Roar: Increases physical penetration and makes it easier for us to fight tanks, which are generally heavy.
6th Blade of Despair: Increases attack in large numbers and attack speed. Good combination with Berserker’s Fury Items.

Top Global Player Build Miya / Best Build Miya

Here are some of the best and strongest Miya gear from top global players. Please select the Miya build that you think is best for your style of play.

miya best structure

Miya tips and tricks

  • Use skill 1, skill 2, passive skills, spells and talents to farm quickly.
  • Get one of the buffs, it can be the top or bottom, the important thing is that it doesn’t collide with your team.
  • As mentioned earlier, build up attack speed first so that the passive skill is maximally useful.
  • For farming it is good to use Skill 1 first, wait for the momon to get closer to you, then use Skill 2 because when Skill 2 is used first it usually doesn’t hit the momon to the maximum.
  • The most fun way to do a gank is to use surprise attacks from the bush, and when the enemy is aware, use Ulti to suck out even more blood.
  • During the war there will usually be an assassin / fighter trying to take you down and at that moment use the ultimate to get out, find a good position and try to kill those who try to get you kill.

Miya words / Miya quotes

wise decision | wise decision

I can deal with it | I can handle it
It is better to die in honor than to live in shame | It is better to die in honor than to live in shame

Where do you think you’re going? You can’t escape my arrows | What do you think where you are going You can’t run from my arrows
Nice to meet you my friends | Nice to meet you my friend
I can hit your left eye miles away | I can hit your left eye from afar
Arrow find your target | Arrow, find
your aim

Walk in the dark, dance with the stars | Walk in the dark, dance with the stars (Skin Modena Butterfly)

Miya backstory / Miya background (English)

Miya was born in the Temple of the Moon and studied hard to one day become a worthy sacrifice to the moon god. But when the warfires of the human and orc races reached the moonlit shores of the moon elves’ habitat, Miya rose and took her compatriots out despite foreign invaders.

Despite their best efforts, Miya and her fellow elves were eventually forced by the countless hostile horde to offer one last stand in the Temple of the Moon. When Miya knelt in the middle of the temple to pray one last time, a miracle happened just as the great army of men and orcs was about to destroy this sacred place. The moon god answered Miya’s prayer and blessed her longbow with an ancient and powerful blessing.

Miya grabbed the bow and fired an arrow that was transformed into an eagle spirit by the power of the stars and split the enemy army in two. Miya led her compatriots out of the temple, raining showers of star arrows on the enemy with every stroke of her bow. Meanwhile, her eagle soared over the enemy, isolated them and attacked them. Like a falling tide, humans and orcs began to withdraw quickly. Miya and her compatriots recaptured the coasts of the moon god, and the moon elves recognized Miya and her spirit eagle as the incarnated moon god.

Young Miya knew in her heart that the wars would never end unless this problem was stopped at the root. With the blessing of the moon god, she embarked on a journey to the land of dawn, hoping to find a king who could bring peace and order back to this world.

Counter Miya / How to deal with Miya

Miya is not a hero too difficult to be with, it is clear that you have to be good at avoiding Skill 2 as it can be fatal if you freeze / stun.

Just put pressure on him, both in the form of harassment and simple attacks, until he uses his ult. When he’s used his ulti it should be a lot easier to take down.

Also read the full guide to Hero Other: Akai | Aurora | Tiger | Balmond

A few tips from me, I hope it helps, if there is anything you want to add or correct, please do so in the comments column.

Note: All of the above descriptions are subject to change if there are hero customizations like Nerf, Buff / Revamp, Remodel / Remake, and the like.

Information and image sources: MobileLegends

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