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Manage and build items from Gear Johnson Mobile Legends

Manage and build items Equipment Johnson Mobile Legends – It gets even better! MLBB has released a new hero named Mustang Johnson. Johnson is a very strong tank hero who can absorb a lot of damage. For now, the admin will explain the build elements and how to use Johnson Mobile Legends.

Guide and Build Items Gear Johnson Mobile Legends Guide and Build Items Gear Johnson Mobile Legends
Mustang Johnson is a fairly new hero in Mobile Legends. Johnson is a sturdy tank with high durability. Specialty Johnson, that is insert and Crowd control. Like other heroes, Mustang Johnson has 4 skills, namely 1 passive skill and 3 active skills. Below are the build items and instructions for Johnson Mobile Legends. Also read: Build Gatotkaca Mobile Legends equipment and emblem set.

How to use Johnson Mobile Legends

Its passive ability is electric airbag. If Mustang Johnson’s HP drops, he’ll be given an electric shield to protect him from additional damage. The first skill is Iron Sack. This skill increases the base attack damage while reducing the target’s speed. In addition, the enemy is stunned. The next skill is Missile Tackle. Johnson will fire three missiles that do magical damage and slow enemies.

Rapid touchdown is the ultimate. Johnson develops into a very powerful car that other heroes can get into and slide towards the goal. Also, you can use Johnson’s ultimate to aid your teammates by adding stunned effects to opponents. Or if you have low HP you can run away and survive. This is the best way to use Johnson. Use Iron Sack first, then Missile Tackle, and lastly the Ultimate. Enemies are eliminated in 4-5 seconds.

Build items Equipment Johnson Mobile Legends

Mustang Johnson is now available in the game. I’ve tried several articles, but this is the one that works best for Johnson. Below is the best building instructions for a Mustang Johnson. Check out the updates below.

As promised, the admin now has a nice guide on how to create items for Johnson. Here are the items for the Mustang Johnson:

  1. Weeping Reaper – This item increases Johnson’s physical attack, HP, and attack speed. Each attack increases its movement speed and reduces the armor of the enemy.
  2. Warrior boots – Increases his armor and increases his movement speed by 40 points. A nice item that also increases Johnson’s defense.
  3. Guardian relic – Added +90 magic power. This item goes well with his Iron Sack and Ultimate.
  4. oracle – Increase HP, HP regeneration and magic resistance. Additionally, every time Johnson loses HP, it regenerates 4% HP after 4 seconds.
  5. Endless blade – An attack item that increases its HP, movement speed, and mana. Also adds 70% true damage and gains 15% extra movement speed.
  6. Dominance ice – Nice items for team play. It slows down the movement and attack speed of all nearby enemies.
That is the Johnson Mobile Legends Build Item that you can use for Savage. If not Savage, then at least Legendary or Maniac. You can test it out in Classic Match. Also read: Build the best Gear Gord items in Mobile Legends.

But just as an addition to Johnson’s build item, below the admin found a small change in the Johnson Mobile Legends build item which is great for playing ranked games. The following items make him an excellent tank hero. The following is a guide on how to create Johnson Mobile Legends elements.

  1. Damn helmet.
  2. Demon Advent.
  3. Warrior boots.
  4. Blade armor.
  5. Bloodthirsty King.
  6. Heart of steel.
Guide and Build Items Gear Johnson Mobile Legends Guide and Build Items Gear Johnson Mobile Legends

Above is the Johnson build item that the admin recommends for the Mustang Johnson. In all fairness, the administrators hope this guide will help you get MVP. If you have any other guide on how to create items for Johnson, feel free to share it with the admin.

That is the administrator’s explanation too Manage and build items from Gear Johnson Mobile Legends. Hopefully you have Savage with Johnson. If you want to find more articles about Mobile Legends, don’t hesitate to use the search box on this website to find them. Also read: Build the strongest Bane gear in Mobile Legends.