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Level adjustment from season 12 to season 13 (S12 - S13) - Mobile Legends

As usual, there is a level adjustment, a level down or a star drop when the season changes. Mobile Legend Season 12 will end in late June 2021, Server Time.

The season 12 rank reset is scheduled for June 19, 2021 (Adv. Server), usually at 3:00 p.m. and 2 hours after a new reset. Season rewards can be picked up and can start ranking again. That means we wait until 5:00 p.m.

The level reduction should make it easier for players whose levels were too far to reach.

For example, there is a Mythical Glory player with 1800 stars. Of course, while you’re only Legend III right now, if you want to catch up with him now, although your skills can rival him, it will be very difficult. With the level match, he’s in Epic I and you’re in Epic III and that makes it easier for you to get to him

Another benefit of this seasonal system is that we get prizes in the form of BP, tickets, and free skins when we’re at the Master level or higher. For those of you who have not yet reached Master, please read the instructions on Irumira’s website, as many instructions have been created for both heroes and roles.

This announcement is officially in-game and on the official MLBB Indonesia Instagram.

For season 12, Vexana Skin – Imprisoner was prepared as a gift. Meanwhile in Season 11 Bane – Warlord, Season 10, Skin Tigreal Wyrmslayer, and Season 9 Skin Franco Locomotive, which were priced at.

Here are the level adjustment details from S12 to S13:
The following dates are season 11 dates, yes as the remaining seasons are only 5 days away while there has been no official notification from the developers. Even if they’re different, they usually won’t be much different.

Warrior IIIWarrior III
Warrior iiWarrior ii
Warrior iWarrior i
Elite IIIElite III
Elite II ~ Elite IElite II
Master IV ~ Master IIIElite I 1 *
Master IIMaster IV 1 *
Master I.Master III 1 *
Grand Master VMaster II 1 *
Grand Master IVMaster I 1 *
Grand Master IIIGrand Master V 1 *
Grand Master IIGrand Master IV 1 *
Grand Master I.Grand Master III 1 *
Epic VGrandmaster II 1 *
Epic IVGrandmaster I 1 *
Epic III ~ Epic IIEpic V 1 *
Epic I ~ Legend V Epic IV 1 *
Legend IV ~ Legend I. Epic III 1 *
Mythical 0-99 99 ★Epic II 1 *
Mythical 100-499 ★Epic I 1 *

Mythical 500 ★ +Legend V1 *


  • The change from Season 12 to Season 13 (Advance Server) will take place on June 19, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. WIB.
  • Maybe it’s the same as in previous seasons, that 2 Hours after the season change, ranked mode will go away, this will likely prevent crashes / errors during level adjustment.
  • You can see tier details, season price skin icons, the number of BPs and tickets you get (as they are different for each tier) also protection points and star increase points by clicking the image in ranked mode, then multiple match modes like Classic, Ranked, Custom, etc. In Ranked mode, click the question mark (the icon is shaped like a book).

Please note that the display in the Ori server ranking menu does not currently match that on the Advance server, it is likely that the schedule on the Advance server is being used. I’m telling you this so you don’t relax too much and suddenly the season has changed.

Hopefully useful, thanks.

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