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How to use Layla's Hero Easy Savage as a killing machine

How to use Hero Layla – Hardly anyone knows the hero Layla Mobile Legends. Layla is the first hero in Mobile Legends. Yes, she is the first female heroine to be very deadly in Mobile Legends. As a heroine with the role of sniper, Layla is popular with enormous damage. It can even be said that Layla’s hero is the simplest hero to get Savage in Mobile Legends in both Classic, Brawl and Ranked modes. Also read: Build Item Gear Hero Thamuz Mobile Legends Hurts.
Almost nobody knows the hero Layla Mobile Legends How to use Layla Hero practically as a killer machine

But apparently a lot of people don’t really understand how to use Layla in Mobile Legends. Therefore, on this occasion, the admin will share wild tips with the heroine Layla. Remember, this is a little tip, so not an exact science. It is up to you when to use Layla so that the resulting damage is even greater. Remember that Layla’s passive does more damage when the distance is increased slightly.

For the reasons given above, in order to become a mild-blooded killing machine very deadly to the opponent’s hero, even though the opponent is using a tank hero like Johnson, who has exceptionally tough armor, you need to know very well the procedure of using Layla’s heroes .

Tips on using Hero Layla in Mobile Legends to be Savage

There are several steps that you need to take. Here the administrator describes based on the early, middle and late game. In each of these steps, the administrator explains the procedure step by step. Also read: How to use Hero Martis Ashura King Mobile Legends.

Keep farming and killing minions in the early game

Although Layla was a weak hero in the beginning, Layla will gradually rise by continuing to diligently farm and kill minions to clear the lane. Remember, use Swift Boot to improve your movement and attack speed the first time around. Make sure you don’t miss out on opponents’ assassin heroes who often steal your team’s buffs. Keep earning gold quickly so you can get through the first 4 minutes of the game without getting killed. Then dodge the tank and battle heroes first.

Help kill turtle and steal tower

In the middlegame, it is highly recommended to gradually steal your opponent’s tower as well. Because this will help you win the fight. Layla’s damage is sweet enough to destroy your opponent’s tower. Even Layla is able to kill Turtle to increase the gold of the entire team. Keep in mind that this is where you need to build the sick Layla item right away as well.

Build critical items

If there’s a lot of gold around, it’s a good idea to keep making critical items for Layla. Barseker’s Fury can be used to start the first critical item you install for Layla. When you’re done, you can install life steal and attack speed items like Endless Battle / Haas’ Claws (choose one) and Windtalker. With this item installed, Layla will be able to help you. If you see a tank hero on the other side, this is where you can build Malefic Roar to increase the power to break Layla. However, if your opponent doesn’t have tanks, you can use Scarlet Phantom to make Layla’s attacks faster. Then cover Layla’s item with Blade of Despair. That will make Layla even sicker.

Combo combo and ready for war

Knowing Layla’s combo is also very important. You can use Layla with the second skill first for a slow effect. Then hit with skill 1. Finally, shoot the enemy with the ultimate Layla who is very far within range. If the enemy is still moving (hero’s armor), immediately use spell inspiration to inflict damage on the hero.

Don’t forget when you entered the late game. Invite Layla to go to war. Here is your chance to get Savage with Layla. If a gank occurs, stand behind a fighter or tank hero. Layla’s attack distance is very long and the further the attack, the greater the damage. So before that happens, make sure that the emblem you are using for Layla is Physical Attack Level 40 or higher or Custom Marksman Emblem Level 40 and higher, which can increase the slowing effect on the opposing hero (not effective on Malee- Heroes).

But remember, Layla is a sniper heroine. Very little that Marksman has that much HP. Layla is vulnerable to enemy attacks. Keep your distance as best you can so you don’t get killed all the time. Don’t be a newbie with Layla as she is the simplest heroine in Mobile Legends.

That is the admin exposure related to How to use Layla Mobile Legends. Hopefully this information will help you while playing the Mobile Legends game. Get ready for Savage with Layla. Also read: How to use Hero Hanabi in Mobile Legends.