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How to open Pharaoh's chest in PUBG Mobile

How to open a box of pharaohs in PUBG Mobile – PUBG Mobile has an ancient secret mode where you can find and open a box of pharaohs. Opening the Pharaoh’s chest on the map will give you weapons that you can use during the game.

In addition to the weapons that are in the Pharaoh’s chest, you apparently also receive a curse. Anyone who opens the Pharaoh’s chest is cursed to be a mummy.

But you don’t have to worry because the curse only lasts a few seconds.

How to open PUBG Mobile's Pharaoh Chest
How to open PUBG Mobile’s Pharaoh Chest

For those of you who want to open the Pharaoh’s chest in this Ancient Secret Mode event, check out this article.

Solve puzzles to open the Pharaoh’s chest

The Pharaoh’s chest in PUBG cannot be opened easily. You have to solve the puzzle first if you want to open the Pharaoh’s chest.

There are four Pharaoh’s chests that you can open in this PUBG Mobile game. The chests of the four pharaohs have different puzzles or ways to open them.

Chest 1: Puzzle Lotus

In this first chest you have to solve a puzzle with a lotus flower on the wall.

  • Nine pictures of lotus flowers hang on the wall
  • To open the Pharaoh’s chest, you need to turn on the nine lotus flower images.

You can turn on the lotus flower picture by pressing on the picture.

Chest 2: Guess the picture

Four animal pictures are stuck on the wall. This animal picture will be closed and if you want to open it you have to click on the picture. Open all of the pictures so you know which animal pictures are on the wall.

In order to be able to open the Pharaoh’s chest, you must open the images in the order given.

The command to open this picture is also in the lower corner of the wall in the form of an animal picture. So you need to open the animal pictures on the wall in the order given.

Chest 3: Customize with muzzle. Customize

To open the next Pharaoh’s chest, you need to rotate the picture on the wall. Rotate the picture on the wall according to the picture of the animals in the lower corner of the wall.

The animal picture in the lower corner of the wall glows on the muzzle.

To open the pharaoh’s chest, you need to adjust the position of the muzzle of the picture on the wall.

Box 4: Answer questions

To open the last pharaoh’s box, simply answer the questions asked.

After answering correctly, the Pharaoh’s chest will open immediately. This way you can take the weapons that are in the chest.

How to open the PUBG Pharaoh’s Chest. Hopefully, you can use this information well to open the Pharaoh’s chests in PUBG.

Good luck and good luck opening all of the Pharaoh’s chests.