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How to easily find a friend's Facebook ID or others

This is how you can easily recognize the Facebook ID
This is how you can easily recognize the Facebook ID
This is how you can easily find a friend’s Facebook ID or others– Perhaps it is very important for some Facebook users to know their own Facebook ID as it makes it easier for us to make friends and connect with other people by providing our own Facebook ID and making them our Facebook Find an account.

Now you know that Facebook ID is very important to a blogger by filling in the Open Graph meta tags in their own blog template. It is also useful to fill in the admin field on the blog.

In general, if we already know our Facebook ID, we can share our Facebook ID with friends so they can search for our Facebook account and add friends to their Facebook account. Well, a blogger, if they already know their Facebook username, will be using it for blogging purposes such as:

Finding out a Facebook ID without a username is easy. So click on your Facebook account name and then you will see your Facebook ID at the top left (example: your Facebook url is like is) This number is your Facebook ID. Just right? : D

For everyone who wants to know Facebook ID and username. You can see the tutorial below. Don’t forget to share when it’s useful: D.

How to find out the Facebook ID of friends and other people by username.

1. Go to Find My FB ID Here

2. After opening the page link I have provided, you will see the words “To find your personal numeric Facebook ID for fb: admins, social plugins and more, please enter your personal Facebook profile url below”.

3. Just enter your Facebook profile url, for example like

4. Then click on “Find Numeric ID”

5. Then you will be taken to the next screen and you will see your Facebook ID as shown below.