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Guide Hero Alucard King Of Lifesteal

This time I will definitely give you information about the Mobile Legends hero. Well, I’ll give you the Alucard item guide: Eternal Life and Invincibility!
This hero has the ability to add up to 100% to life! This enables Alucard to restore its dying HP to full. Wooowww !!!
Of course, Alucard also needs suitable and suitable items. Therefore I will give Alucard Mobile Legends Guide Items to live forever and to be invincible in war.

Alucard mlbb

The game of Hero Alucard is actually quite simple, by removing his abilities he can always approach his enemies quickly and nimbly. In addition, at the beginning of the player it also includes a hero who is very fast in farming. That makes Alucard a creepy hero carry. So he’s one of the most feared heroes, and to find out which items are appropriate for this Alucard hero, check out the Alucard Mobile Legends Item Guide that I’ll be discussing this time around.

Warrior boots
Well the first item in the Alucard Mobile Item Guide is Warrior Boots, these items are armor shoes that can increase physical defense and also can increase Alucard’s movement speed. Shoes that add armor can further toughen up against enemy physical attacks, these are boots, of course. In this battle against the opposing team, you are expected to hold out longer and be able to attack while facing the enemy with life if you manage to achieve your ultimate goal. You can attack HP very drastically even when the enemy is gathered, you can restore 1/2 of your HP in one hit! Behold, your HP is full.

Endless struggle
The second item in the Alucard Mobile Legends Item Guide is Endless Battle. Items that support the abilities of Alucard’s heroes, of course with this item Alucard receives physical lifesteal, which is very important for carrying heroes like this Alucard. In addition to this, Endless Combat can also deal physical, HP, additional cooldown reduction, and passive additional physical attacks as real damage. Items that must be in the possession of heroes like Alucard, guys. With the help of this item, Alucard can farm in the forest or restore HP by attacking creeps in the forest.

Blade of Despair

BOD …! BOD …. !!!! With this third item, Alucard can inflict high physical damage on the opponent. This allows Alucard to kill him easily. When Alucard encounters an opponent whose HP is low, this item increases additional physical attacks on Alucard so that Alucard can be feared by the opponents in the game.

Also read: 5 tips so you don’t always lose in rank mode

Berserker’s rage
Woowww Well the fourth damage that you absolutely have to buy is because it can increase the heroes’ very high critical damage results! With this item, Alucard can cause critical damage and of course makes Alucard able to attack high HP. This is how you get a dying HP back full, so that your Alucard becomes immortal and invincible, Wow, that’s the point

Queen’s wing
Well, the fifth element of high defense and high life steal is not enough to become an invincible hero! If you still need defense and life force, you can of course get them through this Queen’s Wings item. This makes you a very deadly hero in all aspects of physical attacks, starting with physical attack, critical damage, item defense and of course Lifesteal. wooowww!


This sixth item is the last item, which of course is no less important, because with this item you can level up again after a defeat. Hence, this item is also clearly mandatory in order to provide additional HP as well as physical defense. You can buy immortality as the last item, as this is just in case you are mukil or after an enemy whose HP is dying and / or ganged by the enemy. Most Mobile Legends players are also a little late in buying defense items early in the game. Wow, you can choose the final item of immortality, that’s fine.

See Also: How To Play Mobile Legend For Beginners To PRO

This is the Hero Alucard King Of Lifesteal Item

Items when the tower loses its position

I changed the Berserker’s Fury item to Oracle because our team’s position was urgent and also lost the tower, so the oracle item is very effective for Alucard heroes and not only increases defense but also shield and HP Regeneration increased for alucard hero. Suitable for this king of the Lifesteal hero.

Hopefully what I am giving will be useful for you guys to play and win in Mobile Legends as well and use items as best you can. Any suggestions as to which hero guides to discuss? Later I will review the hero guide along with the build tips for the game.