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Full explanation of Lane in Mobile Legends

Mobile Legends Lane | Games – Mobile Legends has a system roadway what is asymmetrical, the naming in each roadwayit becomes relevant. There are three there roadway when we look at the screen in this game, namely the top track (top lane), middle lane (middle row) and the lower track (lower lane).

Over time, the names of the three lanes have different terms. position top lane often referred to as Hard track or Offline. While the lower track is often called. referred to as safe trail. The appearance of this term corresponds to the existence of monsters polishing that is in every lane.

Would you like to learn more about the three Mobile Legends tracks? Let’s look at the reviews below.

1. Top Lane / Hard Line / Off-lane

The top track can be referred to as Hard line or Offline according to conditions. This trace is called. designated Hard line because of absence polishing for the hero who guards the alley.

Because there aren’t any polishing, so the hero guarding this alley usually doesn’t need it polishing to develop and to be able to stay on track on your own. In addition, this lane guard is usually suppressed in early game and will see his role in it center to late game.

When we are in the top lane, we can cut off the minions from the side lane. The same goes for the opposing team. Cutting webs is easier in Hard line rather than Safe line. One of the reasons is the existence of a profitable bush.

role who usually keeps the position Hard line is Fighter / Offlaner because they are not dependent polishing and have durability which is pretty strong. So they’ll be strong enough when suppressed by the opposing team, even in early game.

The task of the hero who is there top lane is Agriculture to get EXP and hit the tower when roadwayThat’s because there are plenty of enemies on other tracks.

Thamuz Mobile Legends

Some heroes that are suitable for hard lane are Thamus, Leomord, X.Borg, body, and Terizla.

Usually you are alone on this top lane without being accompanied by an escort tank. So don’t be surprised if gank attempts are often made by the opposing team. Always watch out for enemy positions in the Minimap. Don’t go too far if the enemy disappears from the minimap and doesn’t reappear for a few seconds. Because they can Surprise attackk to you.

Even if it’s very difficult to hold to plane, but you have the advantage of getting the gold buff from Crab Lake. But polishing you have to leave that Middle rowr what of course requires goald more. But do it calmly, because Gold buff that is only needed in early game Course. After that you can kill Crab Lake to get free Gold buff.

Because it is urgently needed in early game, so don’t be surprised if Cra Lakeb is often a point of contention. Hence, you need to make sure the lane is in a safe controlled state before the mid-lane hero eventually moves to the top lane and takes the gold buff. Usually they are used by tanks for. accompanied open bush that’s before Lake Crab.

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2. Middle track

One of the characteristics of Mid Lane is that it has monster buffs, green buffs, and additional buffs. This buff can be stolen from the opposing team if they play very aggressively. Because of this, the hero who takes the position in the middle lane must be accompanied by a tank. His job is nothing else than to open view and hold damage of Jungle monstere.

Lunox Mobile Legends Ash Blossom

The hero in the center lane and the tank guarding him often have to do this wandering to above or lower lane. Roam is determined from the position and number of enemies that appear on the minimap. A Mid laner a good one must be able to hunt down both the opponent’s hero from the early game solo or Team fight assisted by Tank initiator.

The heroes in mid lane must be able to dominate the game from onwards early game, rotatable, and Wave minions fast. Then they should be able to do it too ganking dan sure kill. Usually this position is controlled by heroes, both magicians Atomic bombr or ganker. Some of the heroes who usually dominate this position are gusion, Lunox, Kagur, Harith, and Harley.

Also read: Difference between gas cap and tank initiator in Mobile Legends

3. Lowest lane / safe lane

Bottom lane is often called. designated Safe track because of the existence of monsters polishing protrudes closer base and difficult for the enemy to steal. Although it is referred to as safe track, but the enemy could step in and cut off Minon’s path through a route near the green monster. So you need to be vigilant when there are enemies cutting the minions from above.

The lower lane doesn’t have Lake Carb itself, so you’ll need to get gold buffs by stealing enemy Lake Grabs. You can spy on enemy movements trying to kill Lake Grab from the inside bush what is in front of it. But it is not an easy task because it takes careful preparation and a little luck.

Granger Mobile Legends
Granger Mobile Legends

Heroes who are there lower lane usually manned by riflemen and Fuel cap. Sagittarius has to be guarded there early gameso it must be accompanied by Fuel cap. But when the game arrives in the middle of the game, the tank cover must be able to wandering to another lane to fill the gap and immediately guard your team’s shooter again.

Heroes who fill this trail usually rarely roam. What do you do most often? roam is Fuel cap initiate or give EXP more for the archer who was escorted from the start.

When Sagittarius rose and equipment needed, usually lower lane that is filled by Offlaner moving from top lane to destroy the enemy tower. This condition can also occur if your team’s marksman is not strong enough to deal with enemy Heroes who are on the same lane as he is on the lower lane.

The hero who needs to be on this safe trail is wear whoever can dominate the game in the late game is the shooter in this case.

That’s a quick explanation of Lane Mobile Legends, Gang. Now you know the difference between the three tracks. You need to understand this knowledge if you are to become a professional gamer. For more Mobile Legends tutorials, see TeknoGeng.ID.