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Free Fire Color Code to make your profile more attractive

Free Fire Color Code – Free Fire Game is one of the battle royale games that is currently selling well with the public.

Well, there are different color codes in this game that you can use to make the chat more colorful. You can also use a color code in your profile.

We’ll go into more detail about the FF color code in this article.

You can find out what color codes can be used in FF and how to use them.

F color code functionF.

Color codes can be used to add color to text in FF games.

If you are bored of FF games of the same color, you can use a color code.

Free fire color code
FF color code

Add a color code to make the chat in the FF game more colorful.

In addition, you can also use color codes to change the appearance of colors in your profile. You can use the color code to make the Indonesian flag code in FF.

By adding the Indonesian flag logo or changing the text color, you can make your Free Fire profile more attractive.

How to use the F color codeF.

Using color codes in FF games is very easy. You just enter the color code in the square brackets, then just write the text behind it. The following is an example of using color codes in FF:

  • [FF0000] This is a red color.
  • [800080] Copy paste into the chat column, the text will turn purple.

Follow the format above to change the text in the chat and the text in the Free Fire game. You can copy and paste the example from the article above into Free Fire’s Chat column to see the results.

To change the color you can change the color code in the square brackets.

Free fire color code

If you want to use more colors on Free Fire, you can use the color code we provided.

Here is the FF color code that you can use to change the text to colorful:

  1. Red: FF0000
  2. Light blue: 00FFFF
  3. Blue: 0000FF
  4. Dark blue: 0000A0
  5. Purple: 800080
  6. Yellow: FFFF00
  7. Green: 00FF00
  8. Gray: 808080
  9. Orange: FFA500
  10. White: FFFFFF
  11. Chocolate: A52A2A

That is the color code that we can show you on this occasion. That’s all, I hope this discussion about the Free Fire color code can be useful to you.