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FF Exploration Missions: How to Play and Get Rewards

The FF Exploration Mission – Free Fire Time Tunnel Event is finally here. And now you can enjoy the Time Tunnel event by completing different missions for great prizes.

One of the missions in the Time Tunnel event is the exploration mission.

If you are wondering what exploration missions are like and what the benefits are, this time around you can take a look at our article.

Because this time we will specifically discuss the exploration mission at the Time Tunnel Free Fire event.

Free fire exploration mission

In this scouting mission, you have to take down characters to complete missions.

For example, two characters are required to complete a scouting mission, then you will have to choose two characters from the characters provided to complete the mission.

FF reconnaissance missions
FF reconnaissance missions

After choosing a character, all you have to do is wait a few minutes for the mission to complete.

Yes, you just have to wait without killing or logging in to complete this scouting mission. After completing the scouting mission, you can claim the timestamp.

Timestamp function in the FF reconnaissance mission

You will always receive a certain amount of time stamps after completing a mission. Then what is the function of the timestamp in this Free Fire Exploration Mission? Well, in this fact-finding mission, the time stamp is used to be exchanged for blue chips.

To get 1 blue chip, you need to exchange 10 time stamps. In the scouting mission itself, 128 timestamps are available and you can get them.

That means you can get around 12 blue chips by completing this fact-finding mission.

Blue-chip functions in FF reconnaissance missions

At this Free Fire 3rd Anniversary Event, you can get prizes through the Capsule Store. To get gifts from the Capsule Store, you need to spin with Blue Chip.

To do this, you need to collect lots of blue chips in order to receive all the prizes in the Capsule Store.

Aside from completing fact-finding missions, is there any other way to get blue chips? Yes, there are many ways to get blue chips.

How to get blue chips in FF

How to get Blue Chip Time Tunnel FF:

  1. In addition to the exploration mission, you can get blue chips by looking for them on the map from August 13-30, 2021. There will be 150 blue chips scattered on a map, where each player can only collect a maximum of 3 blue chips in one game.
  2. On August 22nd, you can get the blue chip through the aftermatch drop. This means that you will receive a blue chip after successfully completing a match in Free Fire.

Complete all exploration missions to earn time tokens that can be exchanged for blue chips.

In addition, collect as many blue chips as described above so that you can get prizes in the capsule store.

These are all the articles we can convey about the Free Fire Exploration Mission. Hopefully this article can help you and other players who still don’t understand the Free Fire Exploration Mission.