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Don't just charge up Genshin Impact, this Youtuber Primogems is Minus

Genshin Impact Primogems illustration. ( – Do not be negligent in reloading Genshin Impact, as some accounts have been shown to have negative primogems. Even some Youtubers and streamers have this problem.

Like Afif Yulistian, an Indonesian Youtuber who already has 3.6 million subscribers. He has uploaded the latest video on the Primogems Minus issue to his Genshin Impact account.

Previously shared live streaming screenshots of Afif Yulistian playing Genshin Impact with Primogems condition minus 64,000. Reason for various speculations.

However, this Youtuber stated that his account was neither bought nor because there were too many Constellation 6 signs, but it was possible because Genshin Impact was topped up on a third party.

As is known, as the game of miHoYo grew in popularity, a number of parties have offered Krista’s charge. Which is later exchanged for gacha.

From official parties that are actually trusted to third party sellers offering super affordable pricing to get Primogeme. Which of course is suspicious.

Previously, in November 2021, a member of the Genshin Impact forum posted a screenshot of an account that had a Primogem number of minus 12,000. This apparently happened on several accounts.

Ganyu Gensin Impact Banner.  (miHoYo)
Ganyu Gensin Impact Banner. (miHoYo)

For those of you who are getting this Primogems minus issue, it turns out that you also received a letter from miHoYo through your in-game contact. Their contents charge fees in the form of promogems.

There is a suspicion that third parties may have been offering Genshin Impact top-ups at low prices because they did not fully pay the money miHoYo requested for the amount of Primogems.

This game developer from China collects the missing fees by rewarding the Primogems minus the amount of the lack of the unpaid amount.

Fortunately, miHoYo did not immediately block the account, but instead offered the opportunity to settle the debt. If you experience this, pay off the minus immediately.

Like Youtuber Afif Yulistian, who immediately paid out the minus Primogems on his Genshin Impact account. And not a small price, in fact.

At Primogemen minus up to 56 thousand, Afif Yulistian will have to pay an estimated 8 to 10 million rupees. The price to pay off debts is not small.

This YouTuber also admitted he had time to recharge from a third party. He also reminded to study deeper and not buy Primogeme from the activity party.

Fortunately, Afif Yulistian paid off his Minus Primogems debt immediately, otherwise he could be expelled from miHoYo.

Also, don’t be tempted by the seller’s cheap crystal prices. Only top up Genshin Impact in trusted locations or go straight to miHoYo.