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Cool MLBB heroes, why are they called trash heroes?

MLBB heroes In general, what players care about Match Rank are heroes who can get lots of kills. The hero role is certainly very identical to Assassin, Marksman and Mage who have super sick attacks. These three roles have plenty of heroes built into them ready to be used as the main villain in the game. The better the build item settings for that hero, the more painful the damage from the attack.

Because of the pain an assassin, sniper, or mage causes when properly tuned, some can get a quick kill. A hero like this can kill an enemy in less than five seconds thanks to the huge amount of damage he does. It is not uncommon for heroes like this to be referred to as trash heroes because they can kill with ease. The purpose of Trash is to take over the kill production from a teammate who should do the kill, so it says Rubbish.

Pharsa Mobile Legends 1


There’s nothing wrong with calling a hero like this a trash hero because of his annoying behavior to teammates. Imagine you fought and almost won the Mobile Legends game, then suddenly a friend came up to you Rubbish. You tried to produce kills, but friends instead, those rubbish who got it. Usually when this happens it will show up right away Chat games from a teammate who uttered harsh and dirty words.

Heroes often used by players who want to waste kills are Karina, Yi Sun-shin, and Pharsa. These three heroes with different roles can annihilate so badly that it annoys teammates. Karina is an assassin, Yi Sun-shin is a sniper, while Pharsa is a mage, all three are called trash heroes. There’s nothing wrong with that as it all comes back to the point of view of every gamer who plays Mobile Legends.

Pharsa Mobile Legends 2


Karina has an ability that increases movement speed and the damage it causes to attack the opponent’s hero. But if you fight one on one, Karina is likely to lose a stupid death even if you use it Immortality. That’s why Karina often hides in the bushes when a teammate is fighting. As soon as the opponent’s HP is almost used up, Karina attacks with just one attack and the opponent dies.

Yi Shun-sin is a sniper role hero, also known as a trash hero because of his unique abilities. He can throw out a shower of arrows and attack all enemy heroes wherever they are (including in their own territory). Yi Shun-sin just had to check the map and see all of the friends fighting the opposing hero. As soon as he knows that an opponent’s hero is dying, he will shoot down a rain of arrows for the opponent to die and it will happen Rubbish.



Pharsa, who is a magician hero rubbish could only do something similar to Yi Shun-sin in certain areas. It can spend a meteor shower to make garbage when a friend is fighting an enemy. Pharsa just has to hide in the bushes and send out a meteor shower when an enemy dies. As long as his whereabouts are not determined, Pharsa rubbish as much as you want to produce more kills to become an MVP.

Dubbed the Trash Hero, this Mobile Legends hero is actually not bad if you look at him from a different angle. These heroes are very useful for the team to win the game because basically the goal of the game is to win. According to Gamers, will having this trash hero on the team be a burden or an advantage in itself?