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Build the newest and sickest Natalia item in 2021 Mobile Legends | Games – Natalia turned into a creepy assassin in 2021. This is none other than the makeover of Montoon.

Natalia can be silent many times thanks to her ultimate ability. We can use this skill to use the passive voice directly without having to hide in the grass first. We can also use this skill twice so that if used correctly it can produce silence twice.

Well, in this article, TeknoGeng is going to provide a basic tutorial on Natalia’s heroes after the makeover. We’ll also be making recommendations for the latest Natalia emblems and builds. Check out his review below.

Build Natalia’s best and sick items in 2021

Latest Natalia build
Latest Natalia build

Natalia is an assassin with a sniper flavor, so the build items are similar to the sniper. Build items that are very suitable for Natalia are more focused on critical ones as she relies heavily on basic attacks. Here is the latest TeknoGeng version from Natalia’s build.

Wooden mask

In the early game, Natalia can’t do much other than farming. But it gets difficult when the team already has a midlaner and a core (shooter). In this way the roaming item is very suitable for Natalia.

At the beginning of the game, Natalia’s role is more to be supported by taking advantage of the silence she has. We can get gold more easily with roaming items.

Fast boots

Natalia’s movements while wearing Rapid Boots will be very quick guys. Because this article ensures additional high speed of movement. Coupled with the passive when it disappears, which can also increase the speed of movement.

Blade of the 7 seas

After the makeover, Blade of the 7 Seas is perfect for assassins like Natalia. Since this item can increase physical and bonus damage by 100% after a few seconds, we do not receive or give any damage.

In the late game, Natalia’s abduction can cause the enemy to die or even die. Especially when we attack the target from behind. Our target could die instantly. His target targets are usually mages and snipers who have weak defenses.

Berserker’s rage

Berserker’s Fury is a compulsory subject for Natalia too. Because this item causes very high critical damage. The combination of this item with Blade of the 7 Seas is really deadly, even with just one kidnapping, the enemy can be killed instantly.

Blade of Despair

Blade of Despair will make Natalia’s physical attack even stronger. This article is perfect for an executor like Natalia. Because the damage is increased by 25% when you attack an enemy whose blood is less than 50%.

Endless struggle

Endless Battle is useful for getting extra true damage and movement speed. Even if the tank hero hits, the damage from Natalia’s normal attack will still occur. But first we have to use the skill before the basic attack.

In addition, the function of this item is to provide lifeblood, which of course is very useful for team fights. We don’t have to go back to base to replenish blood as our base attack gives HP regeneration.

Malicious roar

If there are a lot of tank heroes on the opposing team, Malefic Roar is the right choice. Since this item offers high physical penetration, it will stay soft no matter how thick the opponent’s armor is.

When you need defense, you can use immortality. If you want to play more aggressively, use Scarlet Phantom or Windtalker.

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Natalia’s emblem and recommendations for combat spells

Natalia Mobile Legends emblem

For emblems, it is better to use Cusom assassin gangs. The first stage uses agility for movement speed. The second tier is invasion for penetration and the main talent is bounty hunter to speed up agriculture.

For spells, we recommend using Inspire to increase attack speed. Other Sepll can retaliate or stun. But even the silent effect three times in a row is enough to stop the enemy’s movement.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Hero Natalia Mobile Legends

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Natalia’s counter-heroes: Lancelot, Saber, Kaja, Fanny, Hayabusa, Ruby.

Natalia is very strong against all shooters, magicians, and supporters.

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Natalia’s hero skill analysis and combo

The latest Natalia build

Just like heroes in general, Natalia has 4 skills, which consist of 3 active skills and 1 passive skills. The skills and their combinations are explained below.

Passive Skill: Assassin Instinct

Natalia deals an additional 15% damage when attacking behind her target. This effect is active when you attack with a normal attack.

Another passive is if Natalia lies in the grass for 2 seconds, then she becomes invisible for 5 seconds. He is spotted in the grass by nearby enemies. When you attack or take damage, it becomes visible again.

When Natalia is not visible, her movement speed increases by 15% and her next normal attack will teleport behind the target. The normal attack will deal additional physical damage and silence for 0.6 seconds.

Skill 1: Claw Strike

Natalia will storm in the direction we indicated, causing physical damage when hitting the target. If this skill hits the target, this skill can be used again.

Skill 2: Smoke Bomb

Natalia will release smoke bombs around her that will last for 4 seconds. Enemies in the smoke bomb area are slowed by 40%.

Meanwhile, Natalia’s attack speed increases by 25% and becomes immune to all basic attacks, including attacks from creeps.

Ultimate ability: the hunt

Natalia triggers her passive ability and makes her invisible. The next basic attack grants an additional 20 physical attacks for 3 seconds. This skill can be used again within 5 seconds.

Natalia’s Hero Skill Combo

Make sure we activate the passive first by being in the grass for 2 seconds. After that, aim at the opponent who is alone or behind their formation. After that, attack behind the target with a normal attack to deal additional damage.

When silence hits the enemy, use Skill 2 to increase our attack speed and make the target difficult to escape. If the enemy runs away, use Skill 2. Use Skill 3 again when the distance is a little big. When it’s dead, use Skill 3 again to escape.

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How to play (tutorial) heroine Natalia after the makeover

Heroine Natalia Revamp – Photo:

1. Focus on agriculture (early game)

Natalia’s main focus in the early game is agriculture. Do not rush to pick up your opponent when your level is still low, let alone lose a level. Because Natalia’s explosion damage in the early game was not enough to quickly take down the opponent.

Also, if you want to catch up, make sure that you can escape safely and that your opponent has no CC skills. If there are five of you it is possible because you can easily get opponent information.

2. Beware of CC

Crowd control is Natalia’s greatest weakness. If you want to attack your opponent, make sure they have spent CC skills. Or at least you can know the right time to safely escape.

3. Beware of the hero skill area

In addition to CC, you should also beware of heroes with area skills such as Skill 1 Saber and Skill 1 Kaja. Both skills are very annoying for Natalia, as they cannot go away when hit. So make sure their skills come out first before attacking each other or looking for prey that is easier to pick up.

4. Use skill 1 to escape

We can use Natalia’s first ability to run away or chase the enemy. Save this skill to end or exit the fight. If Skill 3 is still available, use it after Skill 1 to become invisible again. Natalia is not an assassin who relies on skills like Gusion or Fanny, but a simple attack. So save other skills for other purposes.

5. Take the opponent from behind

Try taking in the enemy from behind with a simple attack for extra damage from their passive ability. After that, use Skill 2 to increase attack speed and be immune to basic attacks. Attack the target with a simple attack and if you run away use Ulti or Skill 1.

6. Occasionally steal the opponent’s buff

If the situation allows, try to steal the opponent’s buff. Especially when there are heroes on the opposing team who rely heavily on buffs like Ling and Fanny. Try to break into enemy paths and steal their jungle monsters when the situation is safe.

7. Work hard

Practice often if you want to master any hero, including Natalia. Also pay attention to how the pro players play, you can see how the gameplay is, the build and the rotation. If you would like to get the basic tutorial, please visit the TeknoGeng website.

This is the Gang Build Item and Tutorial for Natalia Mobile Legends. Hopefully useful and happy rank ^^.

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