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Build Amber Genshin Impact, Gliding Champion!

Learn the best builds for Amber from Genshin Impact that will make your battles even more exciting! Because this character is the unique ruler of Pyro and you can get him for free in the prologue of Act I: The Outlander Who Caught the Wind in the Winds of the Past. There’s even another way to get Amber using Wanderlust Invocation (Wish) and Paimon’s Bargain. The girl, born on August 10th, has the title of Ourider and Gliding Champion.

The weapon Amber uses is an arrow, she is a happy and kind person. Amber has unique powers and is no less powerful than other characters. It’s very good for exploring, especially if you give it the right build then you can see the real strength of Amber for yourself!

Learn the Best Builds for Amber Genshin Impact!

Build Amber Genshin Impact, Gliding Champion!
Build Amber Genshin Impact, Gliding Champion!

Amber is a girl who stands for red and brown color attributes, long dark brown hair and beautiful golden eyes. This character has a 4-star rarity and is good for long explorations. Here are examples of the best weapons and artifacts to aid Amber’s strength:

Weapon options:

There are two weapons to choose from that can even be used to aid Lisa’s abilities. Here are 2 weapons you can choose based on your gameplay:

Heaven’s Harp (Crit. Rate)
Increases critical DMG by 20/25/30/35/40%. Then Amber’s attacks have a 60/70/80/90/100% chance to cause a small AoE attack that deals 100% Physical ATK damage. Can only appear every 4 seconds.

The cordless (elementary mastery)
Increases elemental ability and elemental explosion damage by 24/30/36/42/48%

Artifact options:

Noblesse Oblige (Energy Charge / Pyro DMG / ATK%)
2) Increases elemental explosion damage by 20%

(4) Using Elemental Burst increases the ATK of all team members by 20% for 12 seconds. This effect cannot be stacked.

Purple Witch Flame (Energy Charge / Pyro DMG / ATK%)
(2) Receive 15% Pyro-DMG bonus

Gladiator’s Finale (Energy Charge / Pyro DMG / ATK%)
(2) ATK added by 18%

Skill Talent Amber Genshin Impact

In addition to Amber Genshin Impact’s build and weapon, you will also need to know Amber’s talent skills to further master this character. Here are all of Amber’s unique and powerful talent skills:

Sniper (Normal Attack)

Normal attack
Performs up to 5 consecutive shots with a bow.

Charged attack
Performs more precise aimed shots with increased DMG. Fire builds up on the arrowhead when aiming. A fully charged fire arrow deals pyro damage.

Deep attack
Fires an arrow into the air before it falls and hits the ground, causing AoE DMG.

Explosive puppet (elemental ability)

Baron Rabbit

  • Constantly mocking the enemy, then withdrawing its fire.
  • Baron Bunny’s HP is increased with Amber’s Max HP
  • When destroyed or time runs out, the Baron Rabbit will explode, causing AoE Pyro DMG.

was standing
Baron Bunny’s throwing direction has been adjusted. The longer the button is held, the further the throw will take place.

Fiery Rain (Elemental Explosion)

Fires a hail of arrows that even causes AoE Pyro DMG non-stop.

The passive talent and constellation of Lisa Genshin Impact

Another thing to know about Amber is her passive talent and constellation. This can help you get to know Amber and the benefits of that one character. Here are all the passive talents and the amber constellation you need to know:

Passive talents:

  • Each arrow finds its target (Unlocked at Ascension Lv 1)
    Increases the CRIT rate of Fiery Rain by 10% and extends its area of ​​effect by 30%.
  • Precise Shot (Unlocked at Level 4 Ascent)
    Shooting arrows at weak spots increases base ATK by 15% for 10 seconds.
  • Sliding Champion (unlocked automatically)
    Reduces the sliding stamina consumption of all team members by 20%. then the greatest effect of all talents of the same type wins.


  • One arrow to rule them all (constellation Lv 1)
    Fires 2 arrows for each aimed shot. The second arrow causes 20% DMG of the first arrow.
  • Hare triggered (constellation Lv 2)
    New and improved Baron Bunny! If you hit the Baron Rabbit’s leg with a fully charged aimed shot, it will be detonated manually. Manual explosion causes an additional 200% DMG.
  • It’s burning! (Lv 3 constellation)
    Increases the precipitation rate by 3. The maximum upgrade level is 15.
  • It’s not just any doll .. (Constellation Lv 4)
    Reduces the Explosive Marionette CD by 20%. 1 surcharge added.
  • It’s Baron Bunny! (Lv 5 constellation)
    Increase Explosive Puppet Level by 3. The maximum upgrade level is 15.
  • Wildfire (constellation Lv. 6)
    Fiery Rain increases Amber’s movement speed by 15% and base ATK by 15% for 10 seconds.

Also read:
1. The best Lisa Genshin Impact Build!
2. Best Barbara Genshin Impact Build Build
3. Build the most suitable Kaeya Genshin Impact!

Shut down

Vexa friends already know many things about Amber that can even help you on the battlefield. Those of you who are new to the character or who don’t really understand its power now know everything. Keep improving your amber and become the most powerful character! Make sure you play the game carefully and get enough rest. If you want to share something, e.g. B. Tips, tricks and reviews, please share them in the comment column. OK!