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Auto scale free fire, cool FF game features

AutoScale Free Fire – Garena has updated its flagship game, Free Fire. In this update, Garena has brought many new features for free fire lovers to enjoy. It is believed that these features can pamper players while playing the game.

This free fire game is booming right now. With the Battle Royale genre, Free Fire can grab the attention of gamers who haven’t played it. These updates include the addition of the Kalahari map, the training island map, the update of the characters of Angela and Alvaro.

In addition, the features used while playing will be updated to provide convenience to any player playing against existing enemies.

AutoScale Free Fire
FF auto scale setting

One of the most important functions is the map. With this map each player helps to find enemies and also to loot weapons. With this map every player can detect enemy arrivals from all directions.

In 2021, Free Fire added a feature to the map, with that feature in the FF game. The average gamer does not understand what the benefits of this feature are. Hence, we will discuss FF with automatic scaling.

Advantages of the automatic scaling functions Fitur

By using this feature for free, the map that is displayed in the upper left corner while playing will automatically be scaled to a different size if the auto scaling feature is disabled.

When disabled, the map scale will be the same size and will not automatically enlarge when you go to a location.

How to use FF’s auto scaling feature

You can take advantage of this feature when playing against existing enemies in the following ways.

  1. Go to the settings menu.
  2. Then go to the tab Basic settings.
  3. In the minimap option there is a choice between On or Off Auto Scale.
  4. Simply select on to enable the feature and off to disable the feature.

So these are some explanations about the automatic scaling function on the minimap in the free fire game. You can rely on this feature when fighting enemies. Hopefully it will be useful!