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9 strongest heroes in Mobile Legends Season 20

Still confused which are the strongest heroes in Indonesia? Mobile legends Season 20? Because with Moonton Doton Update patches and nerf ML 2021 hero also affects. out Meta.

This of course also changes Mobile Legends’ hero recommendations for rankings. Basically, meta Mobile legends and existence Update very influential on Style of play laugh!

Even if your hero has Competencies qualified, it can be that the opponent is superior because he uses the right meta-hero. But don’t worry, because we’re going to give you a leak about the strongest hero Mobile legends.

The strongest hero in Mobile Legends season 20

mls strongest hero, the strongest hero of the 20th season, the hero of mobile legends, the 20th


Hero Benedetta is still a dangerous assassin in the Land of Dawn. Even if it is already nerf Often times, this assassin is still classified as a hero Mobile legends strongest at the moment.

An understanding of Benedetta’s abilities can arise Blink skills infinite. This makes this hero even more dangerous as he can spin quickly to escape to ambush the enemy.


Hero Paquito was only released earlier this year, so it’s only natural that this fighter hero should really be OP now. Hero Paquito is equipped with damage very high.

This hero, inspired by the Filipino boxer, has Crowd control and flash which is very annoying for the opponent. Worse still, this fighter hero is often used as a tank during the push rank, hence Paquito earns the title of Strongest Hero in Mobile Legends Season 20.


This hero fighter is the idol of the user Fighter, because apart from the simple operation, damage Silvana can also be called very sick when using her innate objects.

Then this toughest, strongest hero is always a threat to the core of the enemy as he can pretty much lock down heroes, especially if you’ve used a modified build item, the automatic MVP!


Uranus’ quick regeneration ability makes him the strongest hero of Season 20, even this tank hero can do it Sliding lane and Cutting path alone.

So far the admin has tried this hero with a full defense item style, and the result is that this hero is strong when 3 heroes are beaten, but when it is five it is a shame! But it’s really crazy when this Uranus individually with other heroes.


This hero tank is included in the list of one of the strongest heroes of Indonesia Mobile legends almost every MLBB season. This hero who loves to drive too fast often makes the Land of Dawn arena chaotic.

Hero Johnson is equipped with it Crowd control skills what is very much can be turned into a car that can be combined with many heroes.

Until Johnson gets hit that many times forbidden in the design selection session. Have you ever been a victim of that hellish heroic collision? It’s definitely not a pleasant experience so just be patient folks!


Hero Granger is one of the best meta-heroes who survives when Moonton makes heroes nerf ML yesterday, and that’s what makes this sniper often used in leaderboards or brawls.

There is ability physically and critical damage makes this shooter a must have. Especially when this late game hero receives 3 critical damage items and Blood of Despare, rest assured that there will be no medicine!


Classified as a new hero, Yve Mobile Legends is still OP status and mandatory forbidden for draft picks. This hero mage has Competencies an area that worries the opponent’s hero.

Not only Damage, but the captured enemy hero will be affected dragging. With this magician’s supplies, Yve became the world’s strongest magician hero Mobile legends this season 20.


to have magical damage With a very high level, Mathilda Mobile Legends deserves to be called one of the strongest heroes in the world Mobile legends Seasons 20.

Competencies Area and enemy lock it has the power to kill the opponent’s hero core. Just like Pharsa was first released which has huge damage and quite a large area.


Natalia is the strongest heroine in Mobile legends 2021, it has been proven that this hero will always be banned in rankings. Because this assassin has immune skills that make him hard to beat.

Not only that, Competencies The disappearance of this Natalia Mobile Legends hero makes it really very difficult to catch him.

Suggestions from us with it Shift rank smoothly then it is a good idea to practice with the strongest hero recommendations Mobile legends these. The point in practicing heroes, according to the administrator, is understanding the hero’s abilities and being solid in ganging with the team.

This is today’s esports news about the Strongest Hero in Mobile Legends Season 20. Hope this short discussion can enlighten you all!