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7 ways to hide the history ML 2021 like a pro gamer

7 ways to hide the history ML 2021 like a pro gamer

How to hide ML 2021 history – Hiding the ml history is a simple matter. Here we will discuss it together. For those of you who want to know how to hide ml history like a pro gamer, let’s read this article until the end.

Lots of people want a tutorial on how to hide ml history. Maybe because their story doesn’t want to be seen.

But the real purpose of hide history ml is to avoid being seen by others.

Of course, if other people look into our ml history, they will easily learn our weaknesses.

Hence, in this tutorial on how to hide ml history, it will not be possible to just take a look.

How can you then hide the ml history?

Okay, let’s just start with how to hide the results of the 2021ml match. Check out how to hide 2021ml history below.

How to hide ML 2021 history

1. Of course, to start hiding the ml match results you must first log in or enter the Mobile Legends game.

2. Sign in to Mobile Legends with your original account.

3. When you are on the home screen, please click the profile icon of your Mobile Legends account in the top left corner.

4. Then select the Match Results menu.

5. The words Hide History appear at the top of the Match Results menu.

6. Then click on the Hide history icon, which should be ticked.

7. If you have activated the “Hide history” icon, congratulations, you have successfully hidden the ml history.


It should be noted that this method of hiding the ml history can only be used on advanced servers.

So if you hide the results of the 2021 ml match on the original server, you will not be able to do so because the “History ml” icon is not yet available on the original server.

If you want to reopen the ml history, simply press the Hide ml history icon so that the tick disappears.


It turns out there are other ways to hide the results of ml matches. We’re just exploiting a bug in the original server. How to hide the ml gradient.

How to hide ML 2021 history

1. For this second ml hide history you need to have 2 accounts on different servers, namely the account on the Advance server and the account on the original server.

This extended server account will work to take advantage of errors on the original server so that we can hide the ml history.

2. Then please log in to an account that has an extended server.

3. When you have signed in to the extended server account, change the account to the original server.

4. Then switch back to the extended server account.

5. In this section, however, if you receive a notification that the account change was successful, you will need to press the back button on your mobile phone so that you remain on the original server account.

Just remember that you don’t hit the OK button that appears on the screen as you will fail later in hiding the ml history.

6. Then you can go to the profile and view the game results or ml history.

7. Then the Hide history ml button has appeared. You can tick it to hide the ml match results.


If this method of hiding the second 2021ml history doesn’t mean that Moonton has fixed the bug. But it can’t hurt to try.

You can also check out this related article on how to hide ml 2021 history.

How to hide ml history like a pro. Hopefully this tutorial will help those of you who don’t know how to hide ml history.

That’s all I can give how to hide 2021 ml history if there is typing or delivery error, please forgive me.

See you in the next post, thank you very much.