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7 Mobile Legends (ML) heroes to be banned

There is such a thing as a draft pick mode in Mobile Legends Bang Bang. This mode exists when a player has reached the minimum epic rank. This selection mode design has a feature that can result in the hero being locked out. When getting banned, you have to consider which strategy you should use for Mobile Legends (ML) heroes and which heroes need to be banned.

Of all of the heroes in Mobile Legends (ML), there are some who deserve to be banned when playing in Draft Pick mode in ranked matches. Here is the list of Mobile Legends heroes to get banned while playing ML ranked games!

Hero Lancelot

Lancelot Mobile Legends Bang Bang

Lancelot is the first Mobile Legends Hero to be banned, great damage is Lancelot’s middle name, even after that hero was nerfed. He can actually become a one-shot kill hero and jump out with his second ability while being immune to aiming during his animation skills.

A good Lancelot player will be difficult to catch and become an enemy hero killer before his opponent can even react. He is one of the heroes who is often banned and occasionally used in ranked matches if you are lucky enough to get him.

Hero Kagura

Kagura Mobile Legends

Kagura is one of two heroes that were included in the Metaliste last year. This indicates that this hero is receiving an exceptional rework buff. He is the strongest magician hero in the game MOBA Mobile Legends, but this hero is difficult to use for beginners and requires a lot of practice to master. Damage, self-purity, anesthesia, mobility, slowing abilities, being strong alone on the track are the advantages it has.

Hero Akai

Akai Mobile Legends

No one would have thought Akai the Panda would make it into the meta considering how ugly Akai was before the makeover. His ultimate hurricane dance will almost certainly get him banned from most games. However, if you want to use it, you have to choose this hero first.

He was banned because most players didn’t know how to fight him. He is a tank hero who has good agility, can be used in team battles, does great damage, and can ricochet off enemies with his ultimate ability.

Hero Fanny

Fanny Mobile Legends

Another heroine besides Kagura, who is still meta from last year until now, is Fanny. Unlike Kagura and Akai, however, he was not immediately banned as his steel cable skill had increased to 5 due to energy costs at all levels. When in the right hands, Fanny can be awful despite being difficult to play! Players will want to face Fanny more than Akai, so you will likely see Fanny a lot in draft pick mode.

Hero Zhask

Zhask Mobile Legends

Zhask is an annoying mage-type hero about his tower. His tower is able to keep us at a distance. Zhask’s tower is stunned and has great damage. The Zhask Tower is like a copycat who always does everything Zhask does.

With the ultimate, the Zhask tower can be made larger, which comes with additional damage. There are several heroes who can counter Zhask. However, when Zhask is very well protected, he’s hard to stop. So Zhask should be banned.

Hero Fascha

Hero Mobile Legends Must Be Banned Fasha

Hero Mobile Legends Mandatory Banned Another type of magician is Fasha. This hero is a hero with the ultimate skill area, capable of dealing large amounts of damage with a short cooldown. Aside from his terrible ultimate, another terrible ability of his is his ability to escape, which makes it difficult for him to die. Because of this, Fasha must be banned.

Hero Diggie

Hero Mobile Legends must banish Diggie

The last mandatory Banned Mobile Legends Hero is Diggie. Diggies Ultimate is a natural counterattack for Akai, yet it is almost always played in every match, although Akai is often banned. He is the strongest support hero in MLBB mobile games, with the skills he has above all he is very good at games and can increase the defensive ability of the team in any formation.

This is the list of Mobile Legends heroes to be banned while playing ML ranked games. Stay up to date for the latest and updated news on your favorite games and gadgets and anime only at Game News!