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7 differences in gameplay between Wild Rift and Mobile Legends

League of Legends (LoL): Wild Rift and Mobile Legends (ML) have almost the same game concept and are rivals in the game world. Especially in the world of online gaming. Both games carry the MOBA game genre. There is, of course, a fundamental difference between the two behind the competition between LoL: Wild Rift and Mobile Legends.

This difference makes one superior to the other. In addition to the advantages, both of course also have disadvantages. If you’re looking to switch from LoL: Wild Rift to Mobile Legends or vice versa, it would be nice to know the difference between the two games.

Knowing the difference between LoL: Wild Rift and Mobile Legends will give you a better idea of ​​whether to switch from one to the other or even play both. Here, Game News has rounded up some of the differences between LoL: Wild Rift and Mobile Legends that you need to know about.



The first thing that tells the difference between League of Legends: Wild Rift and Mobile Legends (ML) is role. Mobile Legends has defined and assigned roles in the game. One example is Marksman. This of course makes it much easier for the players to play the game.

Meanwhile, Riot games define roles through items and play styles chosen by the players. Assigning roles through items in Wild Rift makes it difficult to play, especially for beginners.



If there’s a dragon in LoL: Wild Rift, there is a turtle in Mobile Legends. In Wild Rift, all team members are rewarded with a buff for anyone who manages to kill the dragon. The buff received is based on the type of dragon that was killed.

Unlike Mobile Legends, where buffs are only given to players who can finish them. However, if one team can beat another team together, all players will receive additional bonuses in the form of EXP and gold.



Basically, farming doesn’t differ much in these two MOBA games. There is such a thing as last hit in both farms. The only difference in agriculture between the two is the gold that was won from the last hit. Last Hit’s gold in Mobile Legends is way more than LoL: Wild Rift.


The Difference Between Wild Rift and Mobile Legends Spell

The next difference is the number of spells. If you can only use one spell in Mobile Legends, you can use two spells in LoL: Wild Rift. There are also magic junglers in Mobile Legends.

Magic jungler in Mobile Legends is retaliation. This spell can change when you purchase a level 2 jungler item, which is called the Blacksmith in the Riot Games video game. There are two types of blacksmithing in Wild Rift, namely Challenging and Chiling. The use is adapted to the existing conditions and needs.


The difference between Wild Rift and Mobile Legends Monster

If League of Legends (LoL): Wild Rift has a baron as a strong character, then Moonton presents a lord who also has the power of a monster. There is a difference in results if you manage to kill the two characters. Killing a Baron in Wild Rift will allow you to drop a Baron item.

You can use the drop items later to contact reinforcements. Not only that, you can also make team members get goosebumps by approaching and nudging them. It is different if you manage to kill Lord in Mobile Legends. If he succeeds in killing him, the Lord is called and automatically goes to the path where the tower was first destroyed.

Support article

Support article

The process of supporting items in these two best online games is slightly different. In LoL: Wild Rift, the support items available are more diverse than in Mobile Legends. Most players use the Spellthief’s Edge support item when using AP support to play poke. This item is interesting because it can produce gold when you can attack heroes from enemies.

This differs from ML, where the support items are much easier to understand because they contain a passive voice. If you use the support item, you won’t get Lane’s golden creep, but the hero next to you. When the gold you have is the lowest, the gold / sec will increase by itself.


The difference between Wild Rift and Mobile Legends Rune

The difference in the style of play or the final gameplay of the two MOBA games is runes or emblems. In LoL: Wild Rift you can get runes as your summoner level increases. If you manage to update it, you can use two runes.

One rune is used for main and the other for sub. Unlike Mobile Legends, which can only use one rune. To use it, you have to pay for it first. Even so, the function of the runes in these two games is basically the same.

Those are the seven differences between Wild Rift and Mobile Legends that you need to know. While both are MOBA-themed games, each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. How, interested in Wild Rift or ML or both?

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