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5 Strongest Heroes in Mobile Legends: The Latest Bang Bang 2021!

Mobile Legends Bang-Bang is a game MOBA which is very popular in the world including Indonesia. The number of players is now countless, from toddlers to adults also play this game. In the game there are the strongest heroes to play with until you get bored.

The hero will be very effective if you master all the combat tactics. However, sometimes these heroes are very difficult to master. For this you have to practice continuously and play regularly so that the strongest hero can easily be mastered in battle with your friends. Well, this time the author will recommend the 5 strongest heroes in the game Mobile legends no later than 2021. Come on, let’s read this article to the end.

5 strongest heroes in the latest Mobile Legends 2021


5 strongest heroes in

Esmeralda is the first strongest hero the author recommends to you. This one hero is very famous among gamers Mobile legends. But in ranked mode he is often banned by other players because he is strong and is often viewed as a cheat.


5 strongest heroes in

Is the second strongest hero in Mobile legends. This hero belongs to the category MM (Protect). Just like Esmeralda, Brody is a hero who is often banned by other players for having a very deadly attack.

Any attack by Brody can reach 70%, even if every item has become an alias full upgrade. So it’s only natural that this hero should be most feared.



This beautiful heroine is called Natalia, she is a Assassin very dangerous beauty. As a Assassin, it has a myriad of extremely deadly capabilities. He can sneak into the grass and is ready to take down his enemies like protect and magician.

This hero is usually more active at the beginning of the game, although the item has not been fully upgraded, the damage it does can exceed that of other heroes. Wow great.



Hayabusa is also a Assassin, just like Natalia. What makes this hero look different is just that he can move very agile while killing his opponents, especially if his opponent’s blood is low he will run out instantly.



And the last one is Gusion, this one hero is the most powerful than the others. He was even more deadly than Hayabusa and Natalia. Since he has a very deadly agility and only one hit is enough, his opponent like Saitama can die instantly.

It’s only natural that this hero would often get banned by other MOBA players because every attack he causes causes almost 60-85% of every attack, wow amazing doesn’t it?

Well, those are the 5 strongest hero recommendations in Mobile legends the latest is 2021. So which hero are you going to use? Don’t forget to keep following Gamezero so you don’t miss any interesting news from the world of games, gadgets, anime, manga, technology, movies and more.