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5 Major League of Legends (LoL) updates in 2021

MOBA Games League of Legends has released the latest important news about the major update that will be implemented in 2021. This League of Legends 2021 update will apply to solo queues, ranked systems, and others.

The solo queuing system in League of Legends has largely stayed the same over the past few years, with slightly different variations such as Dynamic Queue. Due to the big announcement from Riot, the whole system was changed in 2021.

Introduction to position ranking

Update LoL 2021

The most surprising news from the League of Legends big update for 2021 is the introduction of position rankings, which basically means that you have separate queue rankings for each of the five positions in the game. This is to help align your role more closely against the opposing team when you are not playing your main role.

In other words, if you autofill or play a role outside of your position, which has the potential to be less proficient in that position than if you are playing your main role, then the opponent will be more precisely adjusted. By keeping track of each position based on their own rank, the game should be able to measure you against similar enemies, not your main role.

Unfortunately, this new system has significant disadvantages. If there were separate leaderboards for each role, players would likely only care about the rank assigned to their primary position. Then when they’re automatically filled with other roles it feels like a waste of time, even if you win, it doesn’t count towards the leaderboards that really matter to you.

Change of player roles

League of Legends Ranking Update 2021

Even if you’re the type of gamer who enjoys playing multiple different roles, you should work on sorting them all out separately rather than just using your skills to influence your main ranking. This can be dangerous for players who are used to playing multiple roles and who are pressured to only play one position.

Placement of the players in the game

League of Legends Ranking 2021

Player placement in games will also be different in 2021. You will be temporarily ranked after the first game instead of playing 10 games as an unranked player. However, this ranking is only viewed by you and your final rank at the end of your placement is guaranteed not to be lower than the temporary rank. As soon as all 10 matches have been played, you unlock your true ranking and it will be published.

Change of player level

Change of player level

The hierarchy itself has also changed. Two new levels have been added, somewhere between bronze and diamond, and each level now consists of four levels instead of five. According to Riot, this change can evenly distribute players across the leaderboards, which is intended to help prevent the accumulation of players in certain ranks.

Split season rank

Borderline League of Legends

Additionally, Riot is considering a way to divide the ranked season into three sections, similar to a professional league that has two sections per season. Your ranking won’t reset between sections, but it does give you more opportunities to reevaluate your goals, the announcement said. In addition, your ranking loading screen limit will now be visible right at the start of the season and will change according to your rating to remind you of your trip again.

For full information on any ranking changes coming into effect in 2021, as well as exclusive ranks, please see the full announcement page on the Riot website here.